Puppy Price Checks
Puppy Price Checks
Posted 2023-11-27 13:39:20 (edited)
Rather than post all the puppies' screenshots here, I'l list the names out and if anyone would be so kind as to take a look and shoot me some ballpark prices, I'd appreciate it! (I know they won't go for much, if at all, so don't worry about disappointing me!) Dusk's puppies: Creek, Pebble, Storm Maris' puppies: Aida, Caius*, Eirene, Furia* *I'm not certain that I want to sell Caius and Furia, I'd just like an estimate in case I do go that route! |
jay #131260 |
Posted 2023-11-30 15:42:24
Wolf-Keeper #131294 |