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cysm's Hoard/Herb Sales

cysm's Hoard/Herb Sales
Posted 2020-11-02 05:34:08 (edited)

A simple thread to list what items I have for sale. I can do trades, and I will haggle on most items. If requested, I can also do bulk orders!

Most items WILL be listed on the TC. They will be at the lowest prices on the market!

Current Herbs for Sale:

Burning Bush: 7x available (40 sc each)

Buffaloberry: 3x available (30sc each)

Boneset: 4x available (45sc each)

Arnica: 4x available (30sc each)

Carrionflower: 7x available (45sc each)

Cedar Bark: 6x available (20sc each)

Charcoal: 3x available (55sc each)

Dandelion: 6x available (20sc each)

Garlic: 3x available (30sc each)

Feverfew: 1x available (35sc each)

Ginger: 3x available (30sc each)

Goldenseal: 7x available (25sc each)

Mullein: 7x available (20sc each)

Spoonwood: 6x available (40sc each)

St. John's Wort: 5x available (35sc each)

Tansy: 7x available (25sc each)

Yarrow: 5x available (45sc each)

Current Salves for Sale:

Healing Salves: 2x available (1gc for 2)

Mange Salve: 1x available (2gc)

Hepatitis Cure: 1x available (35 sc)

Mange Salve: 1x available (70sc)

Tick Remedy: 1x available (50sc)

Open Wound Salve: 2x available (150sc OR 3gc) 

Other Items for Sale:

Large Leaves: 


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