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SNAILERS 🐌 | interactive snail adoptables! [NOW OPEN!]

Posted 2020-11-02 15:12:52

N i c e

Area(s) you want to explore: Forest Floor
How many times each?: Twice!


Posted 2020-11-02 15:18:41

Can I buy another token for gc? Alyssa 8740 i want to explore the forest again


Posted 2020-11-02 15:32:07

Item(s): Hinga Dinga Coins
Quantity of each item: 3
Payment method: Silver Cones

(gonna explore instantly)

Area(s) you want to explore: The Pond (Can I also use my cucumber slice please)
How many times each?: Once


Posted 2020-11-02 15:52:42

Username & ID number: Hyjo #3345
Item(s): Hinga Dinga Coins
Quantity of each item: 10
Payment method: SC

(Id like to use them right away)

Area(s) you want to explore: The Pond
How many times each?: 3


Posted 2020-11-02 15:55:07

exploration results!

Kallifrey is off to explore Forest Floor!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

A Cucumber Slice! Yum!

Kallifrey is off to explore Forest Floor!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

Nothing! Huh, must've been the wind..

Casper117 is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

3 Hinga Dinga Coins!
HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit


Posted 2020-11-02 15:59:50

hyjo, i'm gonna give you the "hinga dinga goodie bag" since it's 10GC (same price as what you're paying) but comes with an extra 5 free coins! 


Posted 2020-11-02 16:09:56

exploration results!

Alyssa is off to explore Forest Floor!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

3 Hinga Dinga Coins!

Hyjo is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

Nothing! Huh, must've been the wind..

Hyjo is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

3 Hinga Dinga Coins!

Hyjo is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

a Magical Pocket Watch!
HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit


Posted 2020-11-02 16:18:53

I'd like to explore again!

Username & ID number: Hyjo
Area(s) you want to explore: The Pond
How many times each?: 3


Posted 2020-11-02 16:24:50

exploration results!

Hyjo is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

A male Pond Snailer Egg!
(first to find one! congrats, hyjo!)

Hyjo is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

A Cucumber Slice! Yum!

Hyjo is off to explore The Pond!
You bring your very best snailer-keeping equipment with you. What a lovely walk! After some time, you notice some rustling nearby...

Hey! It's...

Nothing! Huh, must've been the wind..
HTML by Lila #225. Do not remove credit


Posted 2020-11-02 16:39:05

Username & ID number: Kallifrey #21370
Item(s): Hinga Dinga Goodie Bag
Quantity of each item: 1
Payment method: 420sc, 3gc

Question: If you use a cucumber slice, does it only activate for 1 explore, or all explores in a session?
Like if I were to explore 3 times, would I get +10% for each explore. [+10%, +10%, +10%] Or only get the 10% in the first explore. [+10%, +0%, +0%]

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