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✨ Freebie wolves! T2s, carriers, trained wolves and more! (Sometimes T3s and T*s)✨

Posted 2024-03-30 13:01:04
Hello! I was wondering if I could get this gorgeous boy?  link

Posted 2024-03-30 18:36:52
Yes I'll send him over!!


Posted 2024-04-01 12:08:09
Hello, oh no they're about to leave
If possible I would like to take care of these two babies: link & link


Posted 2024-04-02 12:08:50
can i have these two?(idk if the second one is up for grabs or not)
T2 F R&C**
Breed n chase

Posted 2024-04-02 12:30:24
Hello! Sorry Kiyiyaat, I didn't see your message! I can send you one of them, but one of the others was sent to my boyfriend's account! I'll eventually get it back, and send it to you.

And for you, PrideIsImportant, I will send one, but the second one was asked for by Kiyiyaat first, I'm sorry!


Posted 2024-04-02 12:31:28
it's all good!

Posted 2024-04-02 12:32:53
I hope you enjoy!


Posted 2024-04-02 14:01:51
Thank you


Posted 2024-04-02 14:15:07
Of course! Enjoy!


Posted 2024-04-02 21:44:41
hey again!! :D  could i get this boy? link


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