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Pick a name from the wings of fire dragons

Pick a name from the wings of fire dragons
Posted 2023-12-26 13:37:03
Pick a name any name and I will tell you what tribe he/she is from.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2023-12-26 16:39:26
I thought the names in your den were organized by what tribe they're from


Posted 2023-12-26 16:40:25
Lol true but it's for new name ti come up with.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2023-12-26 16:44:32
Oh! I get it now! I make up names and you tell me what tribe they're from... Goodness I can be so slow sometimes

In that case:
1. Skydancer
2. Sleeteye
3. Fleetfoot
4. Cycloneshifter
5.  Tempesteye


Posted 2023-12-26 16:47:37
1 could go to skywings.
2 could be icewing
3 could be seawings
4 rain/sandwing

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2023-12-26 16:59:08
Ooh this is kinda fun

1. Nightprowler
2. Blackfire
3. Crimsonclaw
4. Azuleye (azul is Spanish for blue ^^)
5. Nightwind


Posted 2023-12-26 17:00:34
1 night
2 skywings
3 skywings
4 silkwing  and rainwing
5 nightwing

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2023-12-26 17:03:34 (edited)
1. Paliminoscales
2. Sableback
3. Sangriadagger (sangria is a shade of red, dagger is a specialized knife, often one used by a ninja)
4. Jaggereye
5. Roseclaw

I went from easy to hard mode XD


Posted 2023-12-26 17:04:41
1 silkwing
2 skywings
3 nightwing
4 nightwing
5 rainwing

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2023-12-26 17:08:45
1. Shadeseeker
2. Rustslurper (lol )
3. Silvereye
4. Russetnose
5. Aquachin (lol )


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