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Are fleas still "good" illnesses?

Are fleas still "good" illnesses?
Posted 2023-12-27 02:53:09
Hi! I'd like to minimize the cost of keeping my hunting and scouting teams healthy, and I figured the best way to do this is to get them all sick with a "good" illness like fleas. Is this still a viable strategy or is it outdated?

I'd like to make sure before I get them all sick. Thanks!

Posted 2023-12-27 07:17:43
Fleas is still the preferred illness, as far as I know.


Posted 2023-12-27 08:54:27
It's fine for hunting/scouting, but if you ever want to use those wolves in Pup Training, you'll have to cure them and quarantine the pups. Nobody can teach/learn while sick - not Fleas-specific.

But as far as illnesses go, Fleas is still the least annoying to live with.


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