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🌲 ITHAKKA | 300+ Stats | 3M Muted Dark I | 1GC/130SC
🌲 ITHAKKA | 300+ Stats | 3M Muted Dark I | 1GC/130SC
Posted 2020-11-02 17:52:14 (edited)
↠I T H A K K A ↞
STUD FEE |:| 1 Gold Cone OR 130 Silver Cones AVAILABILITY |:| 15/15
↠ S T A T S ↞ As of November 3rd 2020 LVL: 9 | STR: 69 | SPD: 55 | AGI: 66 | WIS: 59 | SMA: 56 ↠ T O T A L ↞ 305
↠ M A R K I N G S ↞ Red Agouti [25%] | Black Mantle [80%] | White Undersides [70%]
BASE | Caramel [3.08%] BASE GENETICS | Muted Dark I
↠ N O T E S ↞ I'm new and fresh and particularly addicted to Wolvden at the moment, so I'm on pretty much every day. Ithakka being my lead wolf, his energy fluctuated throughout the day as I do a lot of exploring, so please be cautious when requesting a breeding from him. However, this also means that he is leveling up and his stats are climbing steadily, so it might also be a good idea to keep an eye on him if you're interested at all!
I hope to acquire a more appealing stud in the future, but for now Akka's all I've got. He's pretty, at least! :]
↠ N O T E W O R T H Y  O F F S P R I N G ↞ As of ---
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