[ADDED!] Multiple party hunting suggestion
[ADDED!] Multiple party hunting suggestion
Posted 2020-11-03 08:25:18 (edited)
As the title suggests, this topic is regarding the possibility of adding a mechani to allow multiple hunts at a time. I have discussed this in the past with a couple other plays, but my idea is that at certain milestones in the territory growth size would unlock an additional hunting slot. This is because, as many know, it can start getting very difficult and quite expensive to feed your pack when it gets to certain sizes. So, I was thinking the following could prove useful in lessening the load and stress of trying to feed a particularly large pack - 0-49 slots = 1 party hunting at a time 50-99 slots = 2 parties hunting at a time 100-149 slots = 3 parties hunting at a time 150-200 slots = 4 parties hunting at a time I think these increments would be ideal as it isn't easy or cheap to get to those milestones, but there would be a reward to make it a bit easier to feed your pack when you get to those points. 4 would be a good middle ground between just 1 and well, too many I suppose. Anyway, please discuss and let me know your thoughts/adjustments on it. This is just something I feel would make life a bit easier for those wanting particularly large parties without having to be on the ball as soon as a hunt finishes or forking out all their currency on food alone. Thank you for reading! |
Kira #321 |
Posted 2020-11-03 08:30:43
I support! If this needs more balancing, the extra hunts could take a little longer time too. But I don't think it would be 100% necessary. |
Kahvinporo #489 |
Posted 2020-11-03 08:53:22
I totally agree with this. I fear that as my pack gets larger, it will be difficult to keep up with feeding everyone. And it personally doesn't make much sense to me that only 1 hunting party would feed an entire pack. Another way this could be balanced is that since there are only 4 trails, only one hunting party can occupy one trail at a time. So while the first party would have the most options for whichever trail they would like, the other parties would get less options. And the last party would only have a single option left. |
Aravel #1000 |
Posted 2020-11-03 08:57:06
Support! The definition of a 'pack' means a group of animals that live and hunt together, anyway, so our wolf packs having bigger parties makes realism sense as well, as far as can be stretched to maintain a balance for game mechanics! |
⚡Stormy⚡ #19202 |
Posted 2020-11-03 09:01:38
I already expected this to be a feature so full support! To suggest an alternative way to change the hunting system, I'd like to have all hunting parties share a maximum amount of daily attempts (the exact number can be determined by the devs for correct balancing) but be able to all hunt at the same time. This could help users with larger packs save time, make hunting dailies less frustrating and encourage different hunting strategies in the early game (for example, using multiple solo hunters). |
Kristan #6316 |
Posted 2020-11-03 09:03:26
Support! I have a pretty small pack but I can tell that eventually food could be a problem. We may have unlimited hunters right now, but you can only hunt so many times a day. I really like the idea of it being attached to territory size! |
Skift #6601 |
Posted 2020-11-03 09:05:49
I fully support this! The larger your pack grows, the more they will need hunters to feed them. One party and your lead wolf can't sustain a larger pack. And while I know the intention is maybe to encourage users to keep it small and not overbreed/over-buy wolves... They're still going to want as many wolves as they are going to want. :P |
Cardéstal #2086 |
Posted 2020-11-03 09:16:56
I love this idea though I totally understand why its not currently like this. Perhaps instead of territory size effecting it you could buy additional hunting slots with GC instead, maybe 10gc per slot like with immortal wolves?. A max of 4 slots would make sense since theres 4 trails in the hunting grounds in game. It would also make sense that two hunting parties cant hunt in the same area. Example: In the mountains one party could hunt the mountains, another the forest, another the lake and lastly the high cliffs. To understand why it makes sense its not currently like this to think of it as such: 24 hrs in a day - 16hrs for work & sleep = 8hrs so that allows you your 1st party to get all their hunts used then you could get a second parties used if you send one out when you wake up & on break at work so thats a total of 20 hunts on an average day. However if you have a large pack, take mine for example I have about 25 wolves, thats 50 feedings a day for when theyre adols and adults. Ill be lucky if I get enough food a day especially having to switch hunters out due to pregnancy. Not to mention pregnancy makes the wolves more hungry. If we do the math with 4 hunting slots on an average work day you could possibly get 80 hunts in (if you have the wolves!) Which will for sure give you the food you need if you only have like 25 wolves. Yeah maybe it should be that each slot unlocks after your territory is a certain size AND you have to buy it with gc otherwise you could end up with an overabundance of food |
🧊 Orthrus🧊 #15164 |
Posted 2020-11-03 09:21:32 (edited)
I find this to be a really great suggestion that I hadn't really even thought about too much. At the moment food is not a problem, but I can imagine, similarly to Aravel (#1000), that as my pack grows it may become difficult to keep up. |
🐺Fenrir #500 |
Posted 2020-11-03 10:59:32
support! i also fully expected this to be a feature already. i actually disbanded a second hunting party id made for fun/lore after finding out you couldnt send two at once anyway lol i like the specific suggestions as well of having one party per scent trail or having a universal hunt limit for all parties if theres concern about balance |
wolftofu #13204 |