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[ADDED!] Multiple party hunting suggestion

Posted 2021-09-04 15:29:26
Hmm, though I guess hypothetically speaking, if a pack were allowed to send out multiple parties at once, with the 4 max and the  scenting limitation, but all stalkers were nerfed then you could kind of provide the necessary difficulty curve for less new packs, keep from making more experienced packs over powered, and allow players to attempt more hunts while ignoring the territory size.  Though I still personally prefer using territory size as a metric for how much a pack can hunt, as long as it uses a linear or logarithmic progression and isn't balanced to inflate the high profit players.


Posted 2021-09-04 16:09:04 (edited)
Non-lead wolves cannot make the stat gains that the more absurd leads can, and what a pup's stats look like are heavily softcapped even with, say, a 1100st wolf w/ a 1500st stud. Getting pups that start out at 600+ still takes a stud being in the 1500st range (MAYBE a 1200+1200 match could do it?), and I don't think anyone has broken 700 on one just yet. So, in the end, all these restrictions you're talking about aren't really doing anything softcaps haven't done all on their own.

There's literally no harm in letting people level many wolves, and the gains for pupsitters/herbalists are outright abysmal/shouldn't even be used as a basis for comparison until they get some boosts of their own.

Players like progression, the site wants players to produce more pups (I have gotten two breeding quests from the quest snake since the changes went through), let the players progress.


Posted 2021-09-04 20:27:20
I wouldn't support anything restricting the stalkers. It seems when you get to a certain level the gains from generation to generation are already held back.
One other suggestion I had was increasing party size to at least 2 stalker and 2 finishers. Right now if someone goes on 20 hunts a day that means 6 chaser are leveling, but only 2 stalker and finishers. I dont think it's asking too much to have them in pairs at least.
I'm just at the point again where I will be chasing a bunch I'd like to do something with, but right now as soon as they age up they have nothing to do and I cant keep feeding them if they aren't contributing in some way. I usually already have 20-30 pupsitters. I dont really need more.
Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2021-09-13 17:50:02
Yes we need more hunts to feed our large packs! I need to buy food (and toys) daily to feed my massive pack!
So more hunts per day would definitely help!


Posted 2021-09-13 18:10:12
Coming to lend full support to this idea - That seems to have been around since the very beginning. The post BlueOrchidWolf made on 5/13/21 very eloquently says everything I've been thinking. Can I just say "ditto"?
I don't think adding hunting teams should be something I have to pay for. I already had to do that to expand my territory. That should also expand my packs ability to learn to survive!


Posted 2021-09-29 06:25:26
Yes! I support! Having such a large pack with only one hunting party hunting at a time takes so much time and so little food, especially when training a new party. Having more than one party will help so much


Posted 2021-09-30 13:55:12
How did I not see this before and toss in my 100% support???

I don't feel like retyping it all but I expressed my reasons why I support here.

I would like to add though that with my new R&C project, I need to send out all the hunts each day just to stay afloat. But I'm growing to resent the need to bring my phone with me everywhere, all the time, so I can just check in to Wolvden. I honestly get a little anxious if I don't have service or am busy at work and can't send out my hunts, because then my RO feels wasted. And that's not healthy to let this game consume so much of my IRL time.

And yes the obvious response is "well just don't have so many wolves!" But I was like that for months and it's gotten kind of boring and stale tbh so this is my last-ditch effort of keeping myself interested in this game


Posted 2021-09-30 20:00:27
Yep, @Websteak, you're doing pretty much the exact same thing I am.

I'm less concerned about food atm and more concerned about being able to level wolves, but the premise is more or less the same. I have to constantly check my phone to stay on top of it, and it gets really annoying/unfun.


Posted 2021-10-01 02:15:55

I have only a small pack at the moment, yet I struggle to feed them all on what little they get. I worry what will happen when these wolves die and need replacing, I don't get enough food to care for more wolves so I can't have pups on standby for the next gen.


Posted 2021-10-01 02:24:59
@JokerCatNLM, let me know what you need if it comes to that, I usually have adols for all three roles that will be hunting large prey in the easy biomes from day 1. They will prob pull small/maybe medium in Taiga with a few levels and a strong pack.
