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Let Us Scry Regardless of Age! (maybe gender too?)

Posted 2020-12-06 19:33:46

i really love the input from volinolona ! i still support this idea and i really think they could edit the code to be able to do this. (its so widespread that the albino owner made a meme about how hard it is waiting for possible carriers to grow up, lol)


Posted 2020-12-06 19:39:26

In response toΒ Volinolona's comment - as a programmer, I highly doubt that would be an issue. I trust that they've written their code well, and it's very likely just a single "if" statement that checks for age. The must have a variable to specify if it's a scry or a real breeding, so the "if" statement could just be changed to account for that as well.

However, I'm on the fence about the suggestion as a whole. I think it would defeat the point of mutie breeding if you were able to tell right awayΒ if your pups were carriers. I think having to put resources into raising them is part of the game - and muties would quickly deflate in value if early scrying was introduced.

I do support reducing the cost, though. I often do multiple scryings and even though each one feels cheap, it quickly adds up. I think 5 SC would be very reasonable. Heck, if server load is the issue, you could get 5 free scryings a day, followed by 10 at a reduced cost, and thenΒ make it cost the full 10 SC?

Kiwi (Hiatus)

Posted 2020-12-06 19:41:29

@kiwi, i dont think it would defeat the purpose seeing as mutie breeding currently is an extremely expensive endevour, though i think you do have a point! maybe waiting until adols are a specific age/cant scry pups under adol age? since thats halfs the time waited but still means you have to wait just a bit.


Posted 2020-12-07 16:08:13

Support! I do not use the scrying stone myself but I can see how it would be useful for those who do. :) I also support the idea of scrying regardless of gender since someone might want to use a sex changer on their male wolf after seeing the possibilities.

🌿 Fern 🌿

Posted 2020-12-07 16:26:32 (edited)

I Support!Β 

I hate making this comparison but WD Staff you set yerself up for it so; LD already has this. We are already allowed to scrying a pair regardless of age and gender so why not WD too?Β 

Scrying a pup before deciding what to do with it is very useful and saves time and hassle. It's a nice way of seeing what genes would work and what doesn't.

It's a bloody 'what if' stone not an actual breeding attempt XD


Posted 2020-12-07 16:36:55

I'm just gonna say as well, to further add to support/evidence of this from personal experience, I got a GORGEOUS pup from my lead and my breeding male. I absolutely loved her looks, and on her own, she was very very pretty, so naturally I kept her. She came of age, and upon trying to find a male to breed her with.. I quickly realized she wouldn't be giving me very pretty babies. First off, her base, on its own and paired with her markings is pretty, but trying to find a compatible base to go with it that doesn't give me red, cream, or nacho cheese looking kids was INCREDIBLY difficult. Then, her markings paired with those are just horrible. So I spent a TON of SC trying to scry to find a stud she went well with, because after spending as much time and resources as I did to make sure she lived to adult, I was going to get at least one litter out of her.

I could have saved a lot of time, resources, and even SC if I was able to scry her from the start. I would have seen "okay, after 3-4 scries with various studs, I realize she won't be breeding what I like, so I'm going to sell her".

As for the mutie breeding/carrier thing, with the new rules that you can't say a wolf is a carrier for a mutation unless they actually have a born pup with that mutation, I don't see what the point of limiting you just so you can't see if the wolf is a carrier of a mutation or not is. Not everyone breeds for mutations, either. Some breed for stats, others for looks, etc. I wouldn't think it'd be fair to limit everyone, even when it may make sense for one type of group of players.


Posted 2020-12-12 20:25:37

I support this wholeheartedly


Posted 2020-12-14 09:13:22

Supporting this sooo much, even if scrutiny age was lowered to at least 6 months. This is another thing that’s ruining the pup market also. :(


Posted 2020-12-14 10:00:28

Yeah +100 support from me, both for age and gender. Please. I'm trying to find my next breeding male and it is a pain in the butt to try to figure out how they'll match with females. And because they're male, lots of them will be chased before they're adults and I have to just cross my fingers, leap now, and hope I'm not wasting hundreds of SC that will be hard to get back - or spend a really long time manually entering possibilities into the wolf wardrobe and hope I've got a good enough grasp on the genetics.


Posted 2020-12-14 13:47:40

Support! <3 It would be amazing if we could scry a younger wolf with another wolf to see how the puppies would turn out, especially if you are buying an adolescent or puppy to breed to another, as you would be able to see if the puppies they would have would be good looking or not.
