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Snail Racing: the companion game to Beetle Battling

Snail Racing: the companion game to Beetle Battling
Posted 2020-11-03 11:18:40 (edited)

Beetle Battles was one of my favorite sub-game within Lioden. My friends and I were trying to concept a companion games for Wolvden and came up with the idea of Snail Racing!

Its pretty simple: Slugs, snails, aquatic snails, etc. And... they race! :)

(You can look up snail racing videos it is extremely cute and horribly slow.)

EDIT: Also aware this isn't a high priority! Just.. keep it in the back of your mind.. 🐌


Posted 2020-11-03 11:23:17

A very cute idea I am definitely not against, but I personally don't think it has a high priority at the moment. Maybe later! 


Posted 2020-11-03 11:24:10

I'm aware its not a high priority, but just a seed to be planted ;)


Posted 2020-11-03 11:26:41 (edited)

Omg I'm so glad you posted this. I was going to do it but I couldn't figure out how or what exactly to type. Full support from me <3


Posted 2020-11-03 11:28:18

I support this! It is cute (and slightly gross XD). It would add a fun dynamic for sure!

Baroness | Stat Breeder

Posted 2020-11-03 11:29:55 (edited)

Definitely inspired by my aquarium Bladder snails.

they nyoom so fast


Posted 2020-11-03 11:44:02

Oh I love this idea! I loved the beetles in Lioden, too, and I've been hoping for something similar ever since I found out about Wolvden. I never considered that they didn't have to be fighting (the best I'd gotten was Fighting Frogs, oops)!

I think the implementation of snail races would be cute and give us something extra to do, but the big question on my mind is: what would we feed them? In Lioden, feeding beetles is about the only use herbs have beyond nesting, but herbs on Wolvden are a little more valuable! Would we feed them something else (maybe like... new items based on varying vegetation) or would we just have to keep an eye on just which herbs we're feeding our little friends?

It would be cool if there were different snail types to be found in different biomes! I'm unsure of if it would make sense for some to have snails, but I suppose there could be biomes that don't have snails in their explore?


Posted 2020-11-03 11:52:13 (edited)

I can answer at least one thing! Snails and slugs are generalists, detritivorous, and some are even predatory.

Despite snails being teeny tiny, for the sake of making game play simple I think you should be able to feed them herbs, leaves, branches, or one use of a meat item. If there are any other plant-based items, then one use of that too.

If you want to make game play more annoying and complicated, allow rotting meat to turn to an actual rotted meat item and be tradeable for one day. Its only purpose is snail food. If a wolf eats it then a herbalist has a dumb food poisoning cure to make lol.


Posted 2020-11-03 11:55:41 (edited)


I hope they will let the herbalist use herbs (or meat for carnivorous) make maybe 5-10 uses of Snail Food and maybe the snails need to eat one use every day. 

I also LOVE the idea of finding different snails per biome. It would make more sense.

There would probably be snail breeding, so they should probably keep the numbers low by doing

"X snail laid x eggs but was only able to successfully hatch x eggs (probably like max 10 or so)


Posted 2020-11-03 11:56:56

I do like the idea of herbalists making snail food way better!


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