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Nesting Material Update: Sort by Type | Show # of Resources Selected in Sidebar?

Nesting Material Update: Sort by Type | Show # of Resources Selected in Sidebar?
Posted 2020-11-03 12:44:44

I find that a lot of the time, I'm having to scroll through a bunch of herbs that I don't want to use as nesting material to get to the feathers and leaves that I intend to use for NM. I'd like to have a small dropdown that lets me pick between seeing Herbs, Feathers, Leaves, etc. Or allow me to filter out the herbs! For now, I've been needing to bury my herbs before crafting nesting material to make the process less tedious.

The second isn't a major gripe, but I'd like for there to be a counter on the side that shows how much I've selected. Sometimes I forget what number I'm on and have to scroll back. And the list on mobile isn't large enough to show all 10 items at once, so I need to scroll back and forth to recount. This can get a bit confusing when you're using multiple of the same item to craft the NM.

Thanks for looking at my suggestion! :3

Virova|Melanistic Breeder

Posted 2020-11-03 17:58:09

The crafting menu is a source of frustration for me. The main problem is that I cannot scroll down to the items I want at all because the menu only lists the first 200 items in alphabetical order. I am not really inclined to bury my items but in order to craft nests I am forced to bury herbs so that I can reach the feathers and leaves I want to use.

The drop-down menu you suggested would be helpful, or a menu like the raccoon's where I can search for the item I want and craft with individual items or stacks. I like the idea of the counter too; just something to let me know how many nests I can create with my selection. :)


Posted 2020-11-03 21:39:50

I was just about to suggest something similar to the racoon page! At least having a search feature like the trading center and racoon would be nice.


Posted 2020-11-03 21:45:18

Yes please. I'm tired of burying my feathers and herbs. 


Posted 2020-12-28 17:50:46

please aha, especially for the # of selected items


Posted 2021-01-22 15:02:43

Full support! The # of items selected at a bare minimum should be a basic feature…


Posted 2021-10-27 01:52:42
A search option also would be good! But yes i honestly hate the nesting material crafting system as it is now, it's frustrating to use. Would love a filtering option at least (herbs, cave materials and toys separated).
Also if items couls be stacked; it'd show how many of that item you have and you could choose how many of that item you would want to select.


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