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๐Ÿบ Turn your Wolf or OC into a Pony ๐Ÿฆ„

๐Ÿบ Turn your Wolf or OC into a Pony ๐Ÿฆ„
Posted 2024-03-07 15:06:14 (edited)

Turn your Wolf or OC into a Pony

I Have up to 15 Slots, slots are filled once art is done.
I also take half up front

Art may take up to 2 to 10 days due to me working.

You can give your pony and element; the element will also be incorporated into the cutie mark.

Slots Available 14 / 15


550 SC or 12 GC

+2 SC or 1 GC for Shading
+2 SC or 1 GC for Added Marks *Scars, Wonds, Etc
+4 SC or +2 GC for Background *I suck at backgrounds, but I will try.*
+2 SC or 1 GC for Added decorations *Jewlery, Clothing, Etc*

โ—If you want to privately message me about details so no one takes your ideas you are more then happy too.โ—

Can can also add a mane and tail no cost. You can also describe your characters Cutie Mark / Personality for a Cutie Mark.

Here are Options

Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, Bat







Alicorn Bat

Example / Completed


Posted 2024-03-09 14:31:07
link can you do Forbidden Rose as a unicorn(or antlers) with a roached mane and a traditional unicorn tail?


Posted 2024-03-09 14:36:28
do you think you could do this gal? I know u mentioned Wolvden oc's but I have a gal who is already a pony! Id love to pay with sc also!

her ref:


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