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The Thorn

The Thorn
Posted 2020-11-03 18:35:40 (edited)

I'm sorry if this is like super small but,,,, the thorn takes the same amount of damage from me as 3 wolves biting me? Haha just like, can the thorn in explore take off 1 or 2 damage instead of four? It makes me snort every time my wolf steps on a thorn and loses like an eighth of her will to live


Posted 2020-11-03 18:47:47 (edited)

Clearly, this is the thorn:



Posted 2020-11-03 19:12:42

I agree but not just lowering the amount it takes but adding more ways other than your wolf keeps stepping on a thorn all the time 

Like this if it rolls the thorn the rolls from a pool of (lose HP) encounters so you get a verity this time it's the thorn next time a rock or an old bone just to keep it interesting 


Posted 2020-11-03 19:23:08

or like maybe a twisted ankle or maybe like some sticky sap that ripped off some fur, idk, variety!


Posted 2020-11-03 19:37:02

Variety would be good!  I want to get bitten by an oversized mosquito or something XD


Posted 2020-11-03 23:18:41 (edited)

@OwO what's this omg yes

@kalikaroo31 omg yes that's a good idea— i didn't want to seem like i was just complaining about the HP loss haha but i couldn't think of another way to lose HP without either replacing the thorn (which seemed unnecessary) or adding encounters, which people wouldn't like because it would lower the chance of a different encounter but your idea is great


Posted 2020-11-04 00:24:48

to be fair if i stepped on a thorn barefoot i would also lose 1/8 of my will to live

i support too lmfao


Posted 2020-11-10 10:24:51

In all honesty wild thorn bushes can get some pretty gnarly thorns and @sandshrew I can honestly say same.  But yeah maybe saying the wolves got a pebble between their paw or  @ lava has some great ideas as well. I can definitely see how having sap covered fur would cause hp/will lose. I don't even want sticky skin!


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