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eggs as amusment

eggs as amusment
Posted 2020-11-03 20:17:05

probably a really silly idea but what if eggs were an item that could be used as an amusement item? even if its just some of the egg types and the rest stay as food. i admit part of this is because i feel like amusment items are a bit harder to come by, but the other reason is i simply just always sell them. i dunno, might be me but i thought it could be a fun little thing.

I should add i follow a similar idea even with like the other 1 use prey its just they seem a little less common compared to eggs. 


Posted 2020-11-03 20:27:48

Hmm, this gave me an idea:

Maybe have a new amusement item called egg shell (or empty egg shell)? And people can sometimes salvage them from rotting egg items, just like salvaging bones from rotting meat. 

Current rotting egg items cannot be salvaged for anything so...


Posted 2020-11-04 00:09:29

100% agree, especially since one of the egg items (i believe it was the turkey egg, but perhaps not) is noted to be "fun to roll around" or something similar! naturally, if eggs could be used both for food and amusement, i'd imagine that you can only do one or the other - you can't play with an egg and then eat it, or the other way around, for balance reasons ^^


Posted 2020-11-04 00:25:57

eggs as amusement would be fantastic omg, to play with it you just rear up on your back legs and SMASH it with your front paws


Posted 2020-11-04 01:08:55

Hmm... I don't think we would ever get eggs also turned into amusement items, but I do like the idea that you could get eggshells from them. 


Posted 2020-11-14 23:30:08

I agree with the idea of salvaging them for shells! That sounds like the better of the two ideas.

Lily (GH!)

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