Posted 2024-03-22 18:45:42 (edited)
StoneClan once lived beside the forest with the once MarshClan, but a storm came and both Clans could no longer function. Food was scarce and cats were unhappy. Many cats went their different paths, choosing to be kittypets, loners or follow Flamestar. Some even died due to lack of prey.
Very few cats from either Clan survived.
Moons later, Flamestar once again reclaims herself as StoneClan leader and rebuilds the Clan her father once died to settle and create. Her friend, Wolfsight, as her deputy after the untimely deaths of her mate and son, and her friend, Dustspring, as her medicine cat. Their new neighbors, PineClan, do not quite appreciate their company as it's believed a lot of their problems are a result of StoneClan's settlement.
Between a grieving and angry queen who terrorizes those who've wronged her, a group of rogues seeking revenge on their loved ones and kin for wrongdoings, and lastly, a leader who rises to power and recieves the nine lives granted by StarClan with a vow to destroy the Clans from the inside out, how will the Clans survive?
Will StoneClan come back from the damages brought by Violetstar and her antagonist predessors? Can PineClan do anything about this threat to StoneClan's, as well as their own, lives?