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Interesting Memory Dump

Interesting Memory Dump
Posted 2024-04-04 19:16:33 (edited)
So, in third grade, we had a guidance lesson where our class counselor had 3 people go outside the room for a lesson on peer pressure. We only did the activity once, mind you. She had the remaining kids (me included) get a paper off her desk and start drawing, and told us to pick a code word. Once we chose it, she told us that when she said the word, we'd go up to the front of the room and stand with our hands on our knees.

After a minute of practicing the code-calling, the brought the three students that she'd sent out back into the room, and we did the whole drawing-and-code-word thingy. That's not really the point. The point is, I remember it from two points of view. I remember drawing a really stupid dinosaur on my paper, but I also remember sitting out in the hallway with my best friend while the counselorΒ  explained the activity to the other kids.

TL;DR: I experienced a very old memory from two different perspectives, for some reason.

Anyone got theories as to why this happened?
Milk Snake (0/200 GC)

Posted 2024-04-04 19:18:40
Another odd thing that I just experienced a minute ago, I vividly remember throwing a stuffed animal across my room but it just showed up under my back??? I saw it across my damn room 5 minutes ago what the hell-
Milk Snake (0/200 GC)

Posted 2024-04-04 19:19:24
holy moly sounds like a glitch in the matrix

Frisk | lights off

Posted 2024-04-04 19:27:52
Lmao- I choked on my water
Milk Snake (0/200 GC)

Posted 2024-04-04 19:38:04 (edited)
Huh. Maybe you replayed the game/activity with your friends right after or at break time? You probably did both of these things but the memory overlapped somehow and made it seem like it happened at the same time. Are you sure you did the activity only once? Like. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being "it's like trying to remember a vague dream" and 10 being "it's like it literally in front of my eyes I could describe it in detail" how vivid of a memory are we talking?
Which version do you believe to be more true/which one FEELS more right?

The stuffed animal appearing where it's not supposed to be is kind of spooky though, and I assume you don't have pets or kids who could have put it there when you weren't looking.

I believe in the supernatural but I also believe you should keep track of stuff like this and tell a medical professional if it persists. Experiencing this by yourself must be a bit unnerving and confusing.

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2024-04-04 19:45:53
For the top question, it's about a 7, a little blurry since I was like 9 but still vivid. And yeah, it was close to lunch time, so probably that's the reason.

For the bottom, the drawing activity participation feels more real to me.

Side note, I also hear shit pretty frequently. I have a list I keep track of them with and it's about 2 pages long in google docs. Is that bad? :/
Milk Snake (0/200 GC)

Posted 2024-04-04 19:56:28
I think it's interesting and cool that you keep track of the things you hear, and as long as they don't bother you or scare you, it's not a bad thing. But yeah, it's not considered normal. The only times I've heard things/sounds/voices without a source has been during sleep paralysis.

β˜† π–‹π–”π–’π–”π–—π–Žπ–†π–“ β˜…

Posted 2024-04-04 19:57:50
It doesn't scare me unless it's one of the shouts or my name getting called (I.e. me hearing someone scream "Justin!" Right next to my ear when I was home alone, or hearing someone call my name when I'm in my room by myself)
Milk Snake (0/200 GC)

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