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🌓G4 DOUBLE CARRIER Albinism/Melanism 660+ Stat🌗

🌓G4 DOUBLE CARRIER Albinism/Melanism 660+ Stat🌗
Posted 2024-04-08 14:00:45 (edited)
The Pup

With a MOD added he would be a wonderful triple mut low-gen stud— already has 3BO markings! I'm coming back from a long hiatus and don't really know what price to ask for him, so offer what you think he is worth!

LF GC, happy to accept mixed offers! Interested in breeding items, grove items, applicators
Special Interest Items: Natural Base/Eye/Marking Applicators, Aniseed, Sages, Broken Antlers, Thick Fur Tufts, Caribou Antlers, Butterfly Wings

I'd also consider wolves that meet the following:
Young Gen 1 wolves with TIII bases and/or BO markings and eyes (the more natural the look, the better)
Young Gen 2 wolves with 700+ stats and BO traits (the more natural the look, the better)


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