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Elderly Wolf art!

Elderly Wolf art!
Posted 2024-04-14 11:51:17 (edited)
Since we have newborn and young puppy stages, I wondered, why don't we have elderly wolf stages?
I think they'd give a cute new aspect to elderly wolves, as well as being a visual indicator of wolf age.
Possible new art could include:
  • The wolf standing or even sitting in a different position (due to the tiredness of carrying its old bones)
  • Looking thinner and more generally bedraggled (older wolves don't absorb nutrients as well as in their prime, and tend to be in a slightly worse condition such as matted fur in hard-to-reach places)
  • Silver, gray or white speckling around their muzzles, tails, and/or paw tips (obvious reasons, most of us have seen how dogs age and it's similar for wolves). With this, I think it should be minimalistic, light speckling around their tips of snoots, eyes and tail tips and toes at most, since some might not like the look as much.
  • Someone suggested in chat that they be staring hard or squinting because yeah elders have a problem with that. Someone else suggested mild cataracts, just for the art and not functional or affecting the wolf.
The art would be part of the puppy stages bundle preferably, and the name of the bundle changed to "Wolf Stages". I suppose it could also be purchased separately for those who like the puppy stages but not the elderly stages, but pup stages are already so expensive that I think including the elderly stage would be most beneficial, it could also possibly draw more attention to the bundle and increase its popularity. This is a point that is still up for discussion, so I'd love to see your thoughts and ideas on this specifically if you choose to comment! :)

I reckon it'd be implemented at around 7 years of age, possibly 7 years and 2 1/2 months to indicate that a female can no longer have a heat (someone's gonna have to help me with that, I'm not entirely sure about those facts).

It would be purely cosmetic, just like the puppy stages, and not render any effects on the elderly wolf.

Any suggestions, corrections and constructive criticism is appreciated! I think the idea would be really cute!

To be clear, it is not a pose variant like sentinel, relaxed and motherly. It is not to be purchased or crafted in the same way as those variants. It is specifically an additional stage that works in the same way as the newborn and young puppy stages; a once-off purchase that applies to all wolves that fall under a certain condition, this condition being aged 7 years and 2 and a half months of age, until their death. An optional stage that applies to all wolves in the pack, not certain wolves. elderly wolf stages, support to see your old beans age visually!


Posted 2024-04-14 12:02:23 (edited)
Neato idea, I like it a lot


Posted 2024-04-14 12:07:12
I like the idea! Support.

I wouldn't bunch it in with pup-stages though. Unless there's a way to toggle it on/off.


Posted 2024-04-14 12:12:21
I understand, I'm also a little conflicted on that point. On one hand, having it as its own purchase seems the more practical idea, especially for those who don't like it or don't want it. But on the other hand, it seems like it would be real expensive on its own, especially considering the price of the puppy stages. So I would like to see what the general consensus on that point is, and then the preferred idea would be set in stone in the post
Thanks for supporting and commenting!


Posted 2024-04-14 14:42:22
I also want this, but I think this would fall under the 'poses and variants' category in the auto-rejected submissions.


Posted 2024-04-14 14:49:48
I was very careful about this, I'm aware of the rules. To be clear, it is not a pose variant like sentinel, relaxed and motherly. It is not to be purchased or crafted in the same way as those variants. It is specifically an additional stage that works in the same way as the newborn and young puppy stages; a once-off purchase that applies to all wolves that fall under a certain condition, this condition being aged 7 years and 2 and a half months of age, until their death. An optional stage that applies to all wolves in the pack, not certain wolves.
I understand where you're coming from, though :) I'm going to put this in as well, to clear up any future confusion.


Posted 2024-04-14 14:53:18
Support! I've always wanted to see my elderly wolves' muzzles grow white, even if it would make me sad lol.


Posted 2024-04-15 12:34:04
Also it can squint+ears on top of the head as hearing problems


Posted 2024-04-15 12:35:54
Squinting has been suggested! I think the ears are worth a thought too, seeing them visually straining to hear sure would be funny lol


Posted 2024-04-15 13:02:01
Maybe like cataracts as they get older?
