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Half Moon || Sign-Ups [Public]

Half Moon || Sign-Ups [Public]
Posted 2020-11-04 09:08:32 (edited)


Half Moon RPG Play

Warning: may contain war, gore, romance, etc. Discretion is advised for anyone under 16 years old!

Half Moon, Maine: a small town where humans brush shoulders with the supernatural. At first glance, Half Moon may seem like every other New England town, but first appearances tend to be misleading. The town is a haven for the supernatural. Half Moon Academy lies on the edge of town and harbors supernatural creatures of all kinds. While the humans are completely clueless, it may not be like this for much longer. Tensions are rising and a new threat arises in the form of the Sanguis Clan. War is coming to the town of Half Moon.

  1. All Wolvden forum rules apply.
  2. Respect everyone.
  3. No power-playing or god-moding.
  4. No perfect characters, they all have flaws.
  5. A minimum of one paragraph per response.
  6. Sign up at least one male and one female to keep genders even.
  7. Message me before signing up for a rank that requires it.

Sanguis Clan

  1. Alpha: creator and leader of Sanguis Clan (1; Adelaide)
  2. Beta: second-in-command of the Clan (1; Open, message me)
  3. Followers: the muscle of the Clan (Unlimited)
  4. Fledglings: new members of the Clan who've yet to prove their loyalty (Unlimited)
  1. Headmaster/mistress: leader of Half Moon Academy (1; RuRu)
  2. Teachers: teach the subjects at HMA such as Latin, history, combat, and magic (Unlimited)
  3. Students: attend HMA (Unlimited)
  4. Humans: inhabit the town of Half Moon
Creatures (if there's another creature you'd rather play, message me):
  • Werewolves: similar to those in TVD, but can shift at will, turn into large wolves; killed by a silver bullet or beheading; weakness is wolfsbane
  • Vampires: similar to those in TVD; created by ingesting vampire blood and being killed; killed by a wooden stake, beheading or fire; weaknesses are vervain and sunlight
  • Witches: similar to those in TVD
  • Ghosts: turn if their body is not properly buried three days after they die; can take a near-solid shape, cold to the touch/can absorb heat from contact with the living, can read minds; killed by salt and burning; weakness is salt
  • Jinn: can take the form of a snake, have snake-like eyes-usually golden, can perform small magic and control shadows; killed by a golden stake; weaknesses are light and holy water
  • Fairies: can take human size, summon wings at will, fly with said wings, and perform small magic and control light; killed by fire or beheading; weakness is shadow
Character Sheet:















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Posted 2020-11-04 09:39:41

Name: Alice, Goes by Li (Lee)

Species: Vampire

Rank: Headmaster/Mistress

Gender: Non-Binary, They/Them

Age: 29

Description: Non-binary, tall and slender, almost like a runner. Actually centuries old. 

Personality:  A strong belief in equality and humanity, Alice works hard to run the academy with care and discipline. They are very independent and the quiet type, once they are acquainted with another being, they are able to be themselves. Scared to get close to those who may leave them or hurt them.

Strengths: Speed and their skill to detach from situations, a analysis.

Flaws: Sometimes get caught up in their beliefs that they cannot see the big picture. Can care too much if they allow their selves too.

Kin: They have no kin, only friends that come and go in their supernatural life. Never got close enough besides caring for their students.

Crush: To be determined


History: Once being a school teacher in the 1800s, Alice was attached and turned into a vampire against their will. Their creation had sired them for about 3 decades until being able to break away with the help of a passerby. Alice still does not know who saved them or why, but they still are that old school teacher from their human years. That is where their humanity lies.

Other: TBD


Posted 2020-11-04 09:52:20

Name: Rhiannon "Rhia"

Species: Vampire

Rank: Alpha of the Sanguis Clan

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 16, but is 372 years old

Description: Rhia stands at 5'2" and has fair skin with a splash of freckles. Her hair is a brilliant red and curly. She has blue-green eyes.

Personality: Rhiannon is a natural leader. She has a hero-complex that sometimes blinds her to reality. Rhia demands respect and discipline from her Clan and anyone who crosses her finds themselves dead or worse. She had good intentions, but has become so twisted over time. Despite her strong front, Rhia fears being alone and losing her power.

Strengths: Natural leader, intelligent, compassionate

Flaws: Temperamental, impulsive, twisted

Kin: All dead

Crush: Open

SO: Perhaps someday

History: Rhiannon was born in 1648 in Scotland. Her parents were poor farmers who sent her away to work at the castle when she was just a little girl. Because of her red hair, she was alienated and picked on by everyone around her. When she was 16 years old, there were rumors of a witch inside the castle walls. This hysteria led to her being arrested and tortured. The night before she was going to be burned at the stake, a man came to her and offered her a way out. So he turned her. When they brought her to be burnt, she killed them all and escaped. Ever since then, Rhiannon's lived in the shadows of society, hating humanity for how they failed her.

Other: None

Picture (optional):



Posted 2020-11-04 12:28:13

Name: Jaxon "Jax" King

Species: Werewolf

Rank: Student

Gender: Male

Age: 17 years

Description: Jaxon is tall and broad, standing at 6'4". He has bronze skin with golden undertones and deep, clever eyes.

Personality: Jaxon is charismatic and charming, which he sometimes uses to his advantage. He knows the effect he can have on others. Above all, Jaxon values honesty, loyalty, and bravery. If you're lucky enough to earn his respect/trust, he'll always have your back. Jaxon looks out for the underdog and isn't afraid to get into a fight.

Strengths: Fighting, charismatic, tracking

Flaws: Arrogant, headstrong, can be manipulative

Kin: Sean (father), Maria (mother), Elias (brother; 13)

Crush: Open

SO: Looking for his mate

History: Jaxon was born in a small pack in northern Maine near the Canadian border. His pack mostly kept to themselves but there was a lot of in-fighting that forced his family to leave. They moved to Half Moon where they connected with the other werewolves in town. His father is very influential and Jax fancies himself the future alpha of a pack.

Other: None

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Posted 2020-11-04 19:50:05 (edited)

Name: Clara Wintervale

Species: Ghost

Rank: Teacher

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 20; actually 145 years

Description: Clara is average height and willowy. She has very pale, almost iridescent, skin. Her eyes are pale blue.

Personality: Clara can be a bit whimsical with her head in the clouds. She's intelligent but can be quirky. Sometimes, she simply wants to lock herself in her office with a good book and a cup of tea. Clara isn't good at handling conflict, but she has a big heart and will always try to do what's best.

Strengths: Intelligent, compassionate, loyal

Flaws: Naive, wears her heart on her sleeve

Kin: All dead

Crush: Open

SO: None

History: Clara was born in the year 1875 during the Reconstruction. Her family were middle-class citizens who lived in a big house in St. Paul, Minnesota. She grew up educated but suppressed. When she came of age, she was expected to marry and raise a family. Her parents married her to John Wintervale who she was indifferent to. One day, she went on a stroll in their forest during winter. She accidentally wandered out onto a pond, the ice broke, and she drowned.

Other: Teaches Latin

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Posted 2020-11-06 12:20:15

Name: Hecate 

Species: Witch

Rank: Teacher

Gender: Female

Age:  Appears 24. [ Slept for a century to preserve her youth, so she is 124 in reality ]

Description: Hecate stands at 5'8" and has a slim build. She has wavy, frizzy hair and pale blue eyes. [ see photo ]

Personality: Hecate is a lawful neutral, so she respects people in authority, but won't let herself get stepped on by others, even if they are above her in standing. She is quite chaotic but in a good way. She loves science and teaches alchemy/physics/chemistry at the school. She is good at problem-solving, and quick on her feet when needed, but when is comes down to normal situations, she gets confused quite easily. Despite being a science whiz, Hecate is drawn to the dark magick, as her mother was a witch of black magick.

Strengths:  Alchemy, Potion-making, Communication, Loyalty

Flaws: Dim, Math, Controlling the urge to perform dark magick

Kin: Asteria - Mother// Father Unknown

Crush: None

SO: None

History: Hecate was born into a family of Witchcraft, which essentially tore the family down. Her mother practiced Black magick and was quite a selfish person. Hecate had to learn to defend herself in the real world while her mother taught her the basics of Witchcraft. At 23, she wanted to live forever, hence the century's sleep she risked for that sake. She wanted to become a teacher so she could teach the youth the proper things and keep them from walking the path of darkness. 


It's been so Long - The Living Tombstone 
I Got no Time - The Living Tombstone

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xena | recessive breeder

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