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🐺🌏Canis'Lupus Adoption Center🌏🐺 [OPEN]

🐺🌏Canis'Lupus Adoption Center🌏🐺 [OPEN]
Posted 2024-05-07 05:00:47 (edited)



You Claim a wolf by writing its name or send their link, HERE or PM
Wolfes with ❌ are Free

You can adopt as many wolves as you like its Unlimted

You have 7 days (1 week) to accept the gift (Unless we have spoken)

When wolves has "a player's name OR gifted " its taken already. If the player does not accept in time will it be available again

Created: 17/02/2023
Last uppdated: 18/09/2024


Posted 2024-05-07 05:02:09 (edited)


- How long do pups stay with you?
Until adulthood then i chase them & hopefully become NBW

- What about the NBW/Adults?
When they reach neglect i chase them

- Can i send you wolfs?
Yes you may i can only take in adols & pups

- Are your wolfs Inbreed?
i keep my wolves clean, but if i get wolves from other players cant i promies they are. Always check just in case!

- Need to get rid of the wolf you adopted?
Ofcourse if you have issues with your pack you find yourself solutions to save it.

If possible try grow to adulthood then chase, witch gives the wolf a possibility to become a NBW


Posted 2024-05-07 05:02:15 (edited)

You can find wolves below or click on the "Adopt Cave"

Adopt Cave


Posted 2024-05-07 05:02:25 (edited)



Posted 2024-05-07 05:04:12 (edited)


• Click on the wolfs name

• Click Wardrobe

• Look for the text "𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦"

• Just change from pup to adult and there you go!

You wanna see how the wolfs looks adult? Check "Wardrobe"

About wolfs

M & F = Male & Female

Base or B = The color/coat the wolf has

T + number(T3) = Base Genetic

Stats or Stat = How strong a wolf are

G + number(G3) = Generation

M + number(M5) = Markings

P = Personality/Mood

Extra About Wolfs

App = Applicator, you change colors on a specific area ex base, claws, eyes

lvl = Level

NBW = New Befriended Wolf

Chased = A player have chased a wolf & you find it as NBW

NAP = Newly Adopted Pup

Adol = Adolescent age

Heat = Females heat circle (the days she can get pregnant)

VLF = Very Low Fertility

LF = Looking for or Low Fertility

NIB/Clean = Not Inbred

IB/Dirty = Inbred

DIB = Distantly inbred

BOM= Breed Only Marking

BO = Breed only or Buy out

Mutie = Mutation

IBF/IPD = Instant Birth Feather or Instant Pup Delivery

CD = Cooldown

Potatoes/Potato Pups = Pups that has ex low stats, low on marks or ugly

Muties & Carrier

Pug/Brachy =  Brachycephaly mutation

Carrier = Has a posibility to get a specific mutation ex brachy carrier

PAC = Has a potential/possible albinism carrier (Mabye a carrier)

PMC = Has a potential/possible melanism carrier (Mabye a carrier)

Daily Work

RO = Rollover

SC = Silver Cone

GC = Gold Cone


TC = Trading Center

FS = For sale

OBO = Or best offer

ISO = In seek of

WIP = Work in progress

RMA = Random Marking Applicator

APP = Applicator

GA = Giveaway

FC/fc = First Claim

R&C/RNC/RC = Raise & Chase

DNC = Do not chase

Rechase = You chase a NBW you found and will get deleted while doing so

Raffle & More

Thread = Forum

LB = Leaderboard

GH = Grouse house

REM = Remnant

FAPA = Feed All Play All

WTA = Winner Takes All

You want to know what diffrent things means on a wolf? Check "Information Guide"

0 Months / 0 Rollovers:

Was born this day, called newborns

2.5 Months / 5 Rollovers:
Its have reach wearned age (Pup stage) & doesn't need its mother by its side anymore, but still needs a pupsitter for protection. Can be traded in this age.

6 Months / 12 Rollovers =
Becoming Adolescent (Teenager) & automatically removed from the pupsitter as its not a risk of dying anymore

1 Year / 24 Rollovers:
Its now young adult & gets its first heat if female

5 Years / 120 Rollovers:
Wolfs can take the mentor role & cant get it until this age

7 Years 2.5 Months / 173 Rollovers:
Females heat cycle stops & wont be able to have more pups because of old age

Wolfs can die from:
7 years & 6 months and dies at: 8 years

Here you find the ages in a wolfs life from newborns til death, wanna see it? Check "Age Stages"


• Arrogant          • Malicious
• Bossy              • Obnoxious
• Combative      • Sarcastic
• Conceited        • Selfish
• Impulsive        • Vulgar


• Aloof              • Pessimistic
• Anxious          •  Quiet
• Dishonest        • Sneaky
• Independent    • Sullen
• Neutral            •  Unfriendly


• Adventurous    • Lazy
• Amiable.          • Observant 
• Fair.                  • Optimistic
• Helpful            • Scatterbrained
• Humble            • Sociable


• Capable          •  Imaginative
• Charming        • Keen
• Confident        •  Precise
• Dedicated        •  Reliable
• Dutiful            •  Trusting

You want a amazing hunting party? Check "Personality Guide"


Posted 2024-05-07 05:04:18 (edited)

Chapter 1: Players Pages

When you click on someones Username it takes you to their page you can check both the profile & the Den page. On Den page you see:

Played By:
Players username

Territory Biome:
Where on the map they have the pack

Cave Slots:
This allowes you to organize better by having ex females in one cave and males in another

Pack Adults:
if you have 8/8 adults it means you have reached max space, to get more you need to buy space or get rid of any

Pack Pups:
How many pups you can have before your maxed out ex 10/10 means its full & either buy space or get rid of pups

Immortal Wolves:
Wolfs that cannot die & often its mutated wolfs

Chapter 2: Wolf profile

To see the wolfs profile you click on the specific wolf & this pops up:

Part 1: Wolf details
All info about that wolf & here it shows


How old the wolf are


The wolfs needs energy to do roles & this will be lower when the role is active

The wolf gets bored, if it reach low its about to leave your pack

The wolfs need food, if it reach low its about to leave your pack

The health/Strong the wolf is

Useful when you do hunting partys, because some personalitys dont go together witch result bad hunting


Color on the fur

Base Genetics:
How rare the wolf are ex T1 common, T2 uncommon, T3 rare & T* Very rare

Eyes color

The color underneed the fur

Nose color

Claw color

Condition that gives the wolf an unusual look & will die in a few days if you dont make it immortal

Secondary Mutation:
Condition that makes the wolf a bit diffrent on the fur

Carrier Status:
When the female has the possiblity to give a pup a mutation

The pose you had put on the wolf ex relaxed

Breeding Information
Age in Rollovers:
How many days old the wolf is

Pups Bred:
How many pups the wolfs had has so far

Last Bred:
Last time she was bred

How easy or hard she is to make pregnant

Heat Cycle:
The time its left until she goes into heat again

Items Applied:
Helps if you want a specific pup ex sages that gives you 4 or more pups witch higher the chance to get a specific pup

Pair Bond:
You can bond males in your pack with a female and that specific male can then bred to that female

There is max 10 marknings & its hard to get, the more markings the better

Birth Stats:
The info the wolf had as a newborn wolf

Birth Information:
When & where the wolf got born

Part 2: Decoration

You can add items/decors to your wolf ex flowers to add the decors go down to the blue butten saying manage decorations in the equipper to find everything & click Save changes to save

Part 3: Training

Here you see if the wolf ever had been trained, most people train the wolfs for a specific role

Part 4: Pack role

Here you see the role the wolfs has and how much experience it as in that specific role

Part 5: Setting

Write the wolfs name here

Players write the wolf info here so they can see everything without entrering the wolfs profile


The ones you can choose between are:(Scout ,herbalist, hunters, pupsitter & mentor)

Explores the map and gives you items when they finnish & Max 2 scouts

Helps with illness, makes medicine & cures wolfs Max 1 herbalist

Bring you food, you can have max 5 wolfs in one hunting party, you can have unlimited with hunters but only Max 5 wolfs in each hunting team

Gives pups a higher chance to survive & to use it click pupsitting then assign puppies from there choose the pups & save. You can have unlimited with pupsitters

Will appear when the wolf is around 5 years old, gives more XP to the wolf they learn You can have unlimited with mentors

People write lores(storys) about the wolf it can be anything 

Featured Wolf:
When you click the check this wolf will appear beside your alpha

What cave that wolf is in right now & you can move the wolf to a diffrent cave too

When your happy with all changes scroll down til you see update to save

If you go even futher down you see:

You cannot accidently chase a wolf if you use it

Send away:
The wolf will be deleted

Will have a chance to become a NBW(New befriended Wolf), But if you found a NBW & chase it will it be deleted because it already has been chased once

Chapter 3: All around

High up on your screen the very top you see:

Part 1: Den

Takes you to your pack

Part 2: Crossroads

Here you find the map

Here you make hunting partys & hunts for food

Raccon wares:
Here you can buy items with SC also sell stuff

Here you find your herbalist & click forage. When its done to collect you get herbs

You get 3 quests everyday & when you finnish them you get SC

The enclave:
Here some people leave pups and you can buy them

Trading Center:
You find everything you might want/need wolves, food, and more

Raffle Hub:
You can join a raffle where you either enter with SC or something else and you might win the prize

Mini games you can play for fun

Pup training:
Here you can train your pups

If you try to find a stud you can seach here or just wanna see what kind of wolfs thats out there

Wolf Wardrobe:
This is just for fun

Custom Decors:
Here you can buy decors other players have made

You can join groups that can help you with diffrent things ex food

Part 3: Hoard


All your items its here its like a inventory

Part 4: Chatter

Here you find tread/forums where people can write about anything ex getting rid of free wolfs

Part 5: News

Updates in the game

Part 6: Event

Every events appear here

Part 7: Grove

Shop where you either use GC or buy with real money

Part 8: Help

You can get help if your unsure about things where it explains things to you

Chapter 4: Chat Box

On the side you can see whats called a chatbox below the word chatbox you see it says ex main, click on it and you see other altenatives. The most useful one is giveaway chat & there is everything free BUT you cannot ask for things there or you get warnings

Some people write first claim/fc and all you gotta do is click on the 3 dots on the side (•••) then click on the word claim

Here is a guide that helps you to know what diffrent things are & what they are for, Check "Newbie guide"


Posted 2024-05-07 05:04:23 (edited)

Name suggestions

-Click on the YELLOW buttens below to find the names go ahead & use them.

- You also can share names ideas with me & if i havent written down the name will it be added in the diffrent categories.


Posted 2024-05-07 05:14:57 (edited)

Female Single Names


15. Aissa
14. Akshara
13. Antoinette
12. Arya
11. Aubrielle
10. Astrid
9. Alona
8. Akira
7. Aila
6. Alice
5. Angel
4. Astra
3. Ally
2. Arabella
1. Athena


5. Brienne
4. Brave
3. Bonnie
2. Bloom
1. Belle (Bella, Bellatrix)


10. Cadilla
9. Cini
8. Cheeba
7. Cherish
6. Cherry
5. Callie
4. Cleo (Chloe)
3. Capella
2. Crystal
1. Celestria


11. Doxy
10. Desire
9. Dottie
8. Debbie
7. Destinee
6. Dirisha
5. Dariela
4. Dorothy
3. Dearlea
2. Dara
1. Daisy


5. Elise
4. Elena
3. Ellen
2. Eve
1. Estrilda


6. Fredrica
5. Freya
4. Fretta
3. Finola
2. Feather
1.  Flora


4. Galana
3. Grace
2. Gaia
1. Gardenia


6. Heather
5. Hilda
4. Helena
3. Harmony
2. Hope
1. Holly


3. Ingliss
2. Isabel
1. Ivy


5. Jicky
4. Jarla
3. Jasmine
2. Jewel
1. Jade


4. Kizzy
3. Kimira (Kimora,Kimura)
2. Kyran
1. Katria


13. Lizzie
12. Lisina
11. Lorelei
10. Lauella
9. Lakara
8. Loveta
7. Louve
6. Lusa (Lua)
5. Litha
4. Liana
3. Leia
2. Lavinia
1. Luna


13. Melfi
12. Meridi
11. Markela (Markayla)
10. Marsha
9. Maudie (Maud)
8. Mia
7. Maggie
6. Macy
5. Molly
4. Montana (Morgan)
3. Mini
2. Moonie (Moon)
1. Midnight


6. Niska
5. Nala
4. Nadia
3. Nakita
2. Nyx
1. Nova


4. Orisha
3. Odessa
2. Owaisy
1. Oona


13. Patsy
12. Prada
11. Pyra
10. Pluvia
9. Peela
8. Penny
7. Priya
6. Priscilla
5. Princess
4. Peach
3. Peg
2. Pixie
1. Pearl



7. Regan
6. Raja
5. Renata
4. Rieka
3. Ruth
2. Rein
1. Roxanne


10. Satchel
9. Sissy
8. Soriya
7. Syllvana (Sylva)
6. Shibaa
5. Sadelle
4. Sky
3. Stellar
2. Sparkle
1. Saburou


12. Tazzy
11. Trisha
10. Tawa
9. Teva
8. Tinky (Tinker)
7. Taffy
6. Tala
5. Twilla
4. Trixie
3. Twilight
2. Twinkle
1. Tiffany


2. Umbra
1. Ulva


4. Vickie (Vicky)
3. Vima
2. Valencia
1. Valentine


3. Wanda
2. Weecha
1. Winks


2. Xita
1. Xena


3. Ylfa
2. Yara
1. Yxma


6. Zinabi
5. Zenera
4. Zambia
3. Zorba
2. Zinnia
1. Zula

Female Double names


10. Ash'Owl (Ash'Firewood)
9. Agora'Twig
8. Aurora'Glitter
7. Athena'Tears
6. Amber'Oak (Amber'Wood)
5. Angel'Tears
4. Apple'Pie (Apple'Cider)
3. Aubriella'Lorelei
2. Atlanta'Ice
1. Ally'Juice


6. Butterfly'Wave
5. Bells'Carol
4. Bonnie'Clyde
3. Bloody'Mary
2. Blurry'Eye
1. Bee'Swarm


11. Cleo'Sand
10. Crystal'Fire
9. Clarette'Glow
8. Cyra'Chichue
7. Chewie'Tempo
6. Cotton'Candy
5. Cat'Lord
4. Clover'Vine
3. Cherry'Cloud (Cherry'Blossom)
2. Candy'Corn (Candy'Tuft)
1. Cookie'Dough (Cookie'Cream, Cookie'Monster)


4. Dorothy'Wood
3. Dixie'Pixie (Dixie'Trixie, )
2. Delta'Dawn
1. Dawn'Hill


3. Essy'Cloud
2. Erina'Tent
1. Ember'Blaze


6. Feather'Bloom
5. Fallen'Maple (Fallen'Apple)
4. Flurry'Fizz
3. Flower'Tulip
2. Flopsy'Mopsy
1. Frozed'Amethyst


6. Gina'Memory
5. Grace'Difu
4. Gilly'Light
3. Galaxy'Star
2. Gypsy'Rose
1. Grey'Sky


3. Heidi'Drop
2. Hazel'Nut
1. Heather'Heart


2. Ivy'Letter
1. Itsy'Bitsy


2. Jiny'Ocean
1. Jade'Ghoul


4. Kira'Stars
3. Kimira'Grape
2. Kiwi'Plant
1. Kara'Kit (Kara'Catwalk)


12. Lillith'Light
11. Libby'Strike (Libby'Sand)
10. Laura'Waterbubble
9. Lullaby'Song
8. Lucky'Clover
7.  Lady'Howler
6. Lexie'Sun
5. Lily'Frost
4. Lolly'Pop
3. Lavender'Rain (Lavender'Gazer, Lavender'Breeze)
2. Lylia'Clone
1. Lovley'Lady


9. Midnight'Stripe (Midnight'Angel)
8. Maple'Yule (Maple'Leaf)
7. Mint'Pillow
6. Minnie'Paw
5. Movie'Star
4. Melody'Song
3. Mazie'Oak
2. Moon'Walker (Moon'Wine, Moon'Watcher, Moon'Dust, Moon'Lurker, Moon'Dancer)
1. Misty'Bell (Misty'Trial, Misty'Paw)


3. Niki'Fire
2. Nebula'Fall
1. Nikita'Rose


2. Omisha'Dark
1. Ocean'Steam (Ocean'Glow, Ocean'Flow, Ocean'Wave, Ocean'Coral)


8. Pyra'Pear
7. Penny'Papper
6. Polly'Bow
5. Plum'Fairy
4. Pasha'Q
3. Pandora'Lope
2. Peanut'Butter
1. Poppy'Flower


1. Queen'ie (Queen'Bee, Quieen'Tower)


13. Rita'Art
12. Roxie'Sound
11. Rosita'Sound
10. Rosie'Red
9. Rin'Smoke
8. Rosetta'Arthur (Rosetta'Spark)
7. Rose'Valentine
6. Rising'Dawn
5. Rasha'Tricolor
4. Roxy'Wig
3. Rain'Fall
2. Ruu'Dust
1. Ruby'Seed


21. Sunrise'Spots
20. Shira'Void
19. Sunset'light
18. Sushi'Rolls (Sushi'Color)
17. Shimmer'Sight
16. Scarlet'Pine (Scarlet'Haze)
15. Saturna'Guardian
14. Sparkle'Glitter
13. Star'Light
12. Saturna'Guardian
11.  Suger'Cone (Sugar'Spice)
10. Sally'Shy
9. Snow'Dots (Snow'Flakes, Snow'White)
8. Sun'Shine (Sun'Flower)
7. Shelly'Cloud
6. Summer'Breeze (Summer'Sun)
5. Sandy'Storm
4. Sunny'Day
3. Sweet'Candy (Sweet'Pea)
2. Shelly'Shepherd
1. Strawberry'Cake


8. Tiffy'Paw
7. Tira'Leash
6. Tiffany'Bun
5. Tyra'Wheel (Tyra'Lock)
4. Tasuma'Shine
3. Tigress'Stripe
2. Tiny'Sword
1. Tiki'Bug


1. Umpatra'Bottom


5. Violet'Flower
4. Viki'Love
3. Vicky'Love (Vicky'Sandstorm)
2. Vivian'Suger
1. Vatra'Water


1. Windy'Day (Windy'Wonderland



2. Yna'Cover
1. Yellow'Strike


1. Zoe'Shell


Posted 2024-05-07 05:15:03 (edited)

Male Single Names


17. Archie
16. Akasha
15. Adesto
14. Arta
13. Artemis
12. Alakay (Alakey)
11. Arsenio
10. Aguirre
9. Andante
8. Allegro
7. Adagio
6. Azurite
5. Adolfo (Adoff, Adolphe)
4. Ad
3. Angus
2. Agaric
1. Akilles


28. Billy
27. Brick
26. Balto
25. Bear
24. Banger
23. Beast
22. Beezar
21. Blyden
20. Bran
19. Brangwyn
18. Brecco
17. Bardou
16. Bleddyn
15. Borris
14. Botolf
13. Beacon
12. Billow
11. Boil (Boiling)
10. Bolero
9. Babinski
8. Barbaro
7. Bimbo
6. Blanco
5. Brass
4. Borzo
3. Bongo
2. Bau
1. Bullet

33. Casadoro
32. Cline
31. Capono
30. Chinqua
29. Cushion (Cushi)
28. Carlito
27. Comanche
26. Castro
25. Chiko (Chico)
24. Crytos
23. Cherokee
22. Chikatilo
21. Condore
20. Capezio
19. Cachorro
18. Copper
17. Chronzo
16. Cracco
15. Concerto
14. Cantata
13. Creakle
12. Clam
11. Chain
10. Chug
9. Coffee
8. Charlie
7. Chase
6. Coda
5. Colorado
4. Chester
3. Cracker
2. Cadmus
1. Cerberus


20. Durango
19. Deuce
18. Derbi
17. Dallas
16 Dingo
15. Damian
14. Diazo
13. Domovoi
12. Duko (Duke)
11. Dolf
10. Duffin
9. Donegal
8. Dancer
7. Dexter
6. Dillion
5. Dakota
4. Dembe
3. Dixie
2. Death
1. Domino


4. Enteron
3. Espinoza
2. Elite
1. Eskimo


13. Fluke
12. Foy
11. Fouco
10. Foofie
9. Fowler
8. Fugue
7. Fell
6. Faolan
5. Flash
4. Falcon
3. Felix
2. Flint
1. Flame


6. Gilly
5. Gwato
4. Giorgio
3. Greer
2. Gabe
1. Gizmo


10. Hickory
9.  Hex
8. Hector
7. Hayden
6. Harley
5. Hakabe
4. Hotch
3. Honcho
2. Hierarki
1. Humber


6. lyubov
5. Ignacio
4. Ivalio
3. Ingolf
2. Issac
1. Ian


9. Jasko
8. Jomo
7. Jacinto
6. Jocko
5. Jasminko
4. Joker
3. Jazz
2. Jake (Jack)
1. Jambo


7. Kanani
6. Krypto
5. Kuzco
4. Keoni
3. Kahuna
2. Kiko
1. Kokushibo


19. Lotus
18. Loki
17. Lucifer
16. Lester
15. Lumio
14. Lake
13. Liger
12. Luka
11. Lava
10. Lowe
9. Lycida
8.  Largo
7. Lokey
6. Lighting
5. Laszlo
4. Lexus
3. Lach
2. Leroy
1. Lou


26. Meeko
25. Morello
24. Mercado
23. Mecacci
22. Mokaccino
21. Moja
20. Max
19. Malachi
18. Mexi
17. Marshall
16. Makunga
15. Mitchi
14. Mahalo
13. Malan
12. Malachy
11. Metric
10. Maverick
9. Mack
8. Matcho (Matchio)
7. Minimoj
6. Maxine
5. Molle (Mollo)
4. Machado
3. Micco
2. Mysom
1. Magnum


8. Nanus
7. Nairobi
6. Neko
5. Norco
4. Nick (Nico)
3. Nero
2. Noel
1. Noah

13. Ontario
12. Obrigago
11. Ovako
10. Ombe
9. Okello
8. Okoro
7. Otoko
6. Osouf
5. Owen
4. Olive (Oliver)
3. Oakley
2. Ozzie
1. Obsidian


12. Pontoon
11. Porsche
10. Puko (Puku, Piko, Puki)
9. Peril
8. Pearlino
7. Pikake
6. Presto
5. Prince
4. Pegasus
3. Pinata
2. Poncho
1. Percy


3. Quinn
2. Quinton
1. Quench


36. Richello
35. Riyo
34. Ruckus
33. Roscoe
32. Roch
31. Rougarou (Rougar)
30. Rokai
29. Russo
28. Rostova
27. Razko
26. Rocco
25. Razmik
24. Rafiki
23. Rinom
22. Rollin
21. Rendell
20. Rawson
19. Rawly
18. Raulin
17. Randel
16. Ralfs (Rolf)
15. Rahoul
14. Raff
13. Race
12. Ross
11. Ricko
10. Rumble
9. Ranger
8. Rodrigo
7. Ringo
6. Randy (Ranndy)
5. Ryder
4. Rambo
3. Rufus
2. Romeo
1. Reaper


27. Satchi
26. Sucre
25. Sidiki
24. Supreme
23. Snoopy
22. Sisco
21. Silesius
20. Savino
19. Sinaro
18. Salvatore
17. Santoro
16. Soltune
15. Spots
14. Suzu
13. Skip
12. Spate
11. Shadow
10. Suzuki (Saluki,Suki)
9. Seath
8. Streak
7. Shank (Shark, Skart)
6. Snapit
5. Snake
4. Sloth
3. Sako (Soko)
2. Stripe
1. Soul

28. Tooge
27. Tosh
26. Tuey
25. Tyri
24. Tanga (Tongo, Tango)
23. Tucky
22. Tatanka
21. Trejo
20. Tacitus
19. Teriyaki
18. Tamariki
17. Tonji
16. Troppo
15. Tadashi
14. Teetsi
13. Tacumbu
12. Twist (Twists, Twistling)
11. Tsarr
10. Tearlach
9. Treasure
8. Talon
7. Teal
6. Trinket
5. Tadashi
4. Travis
3. Turbo
2. Thunder
1. Teddy


3. Umlilo
2. Ulfr
1. Udolf


5. Valko
4. Volcanic (Volcanoe)
3. Vague
2. Vegan
1. Vronti


8. Winston
7. Wolfbane
6. Whistler
5. Washington
4. Waits
3. Waket
2. Wally
1. Walloon


3. Xu
2. Xeon
1. Xander


4. Yucatan
3. Yahir
2. Yoke
1. Yolo


10. Zebedee
9. Zizzo
8. Zolta
7. Zulu
6. Zumba (Zumbo)
5. Zirco
4. Zero
3. Zen (Zeb)
2. Zack
1. Zorro

Male Double Names


2. Apoy'Flame
1. Andy'Antler


16. Broken'Ice
15. Blood'Shadow
14. Burning'Ashes
13. Bear'Boo
12. Bumble'Strike
11. Bow'Arrow
10. Black'Tan (Black'Berry)
9. Bad'Habit
8. Basil'Reef
7. Barbecue'Sauce
6. Bogo'Husky
5. Blizzard'Bone
4. Bimbo'Bin
3. Bobo'Bambo
2 Banana'Split
1. Bino'White


20. Clive'Brick
19. Cactus'Plant
18. Cherokee'Rise
17. Crescent'Dream
16. Cosmic'Nova
15. Coco'Muffin
14. Cup'Saucer
13. Crackle'Pop
12. Chip'Dip
11. Crunchy'Juice
10. Citrus'Snake
9. Coyote'Land
8. Cricket'Treat (Cricket'Cake)
7. Choco'Cookie
6. Cherry'Bomb
5. Chef'Bogo
4. Colorful'Leafs
3. Chocolate'Chip
2. Cocoa'Powder (Cocoa'Puff)
1. Cosmo'War


14. Duardo'Faul
13. Dife'Fair
12. Dzo'Clock
11. Daft'Punk
10. Devils'Lullaby
9. Desmo'The Devil
8. Deep'Wave
7. Domino'Brick
6. Dubble'Trubble
5. Dangerous'Fang
4. Doom'Day (Doom'Slayer)
3. Ducato'Ball
2. Death'eye
1. Dark'Forest (Dark'Salker)


2. Elk'Antler
1. Enzo'TheWise


9. Foxy'Sight
8. Fajro'Roman
7. Faded'Ritual
6. Fallen'Hero
5. Fortune'Cookie
4. Frost'Candy (Frost'Bite)
3. Fuzz'Butt (Fuzzy'Spirit)
2. Famous'War
1. Firefly'Garden


7. Grian'Chain (Grian'Grey)
6. Ghost'Buster
5. Gin'Tonic
4. Grave'Yard
3. Goose'Man
2. Glory'Days
1. Golden'Ticket


3. Haco'Arako
2. Hawk'eye
1. Hunt'Raw


1. Ivory'Lark


3. Joker'Cushi
2. Jingle'Jangle
1. Jackie'Storm


2. Kusumir'Fang
1. King'William


7. Lost'Soul
6. Lico'Rice
5. Lyrics'Verse
4. Lightning'Thumper (Lighting'Strike)
3. Light'Snow
2. Lemon'Juice
1. Lime'Juice (Lime'Lemon)


10. Moko'Desert
9. Moldy'Meadow
8. Mossy'Branch
7. Mochi'Sushi
6. Major'Paw
5. Minimo'Low
4. Military'Base
3. Mr'Marshmellow
2. Milo'Miles
1. Mojo'Barbaro


2. Nocturne'Cast
1. North'Ice


3. Ovako'Flame
2. O'Malley
1. Ojomo'Jekeo


6. Pale'Ceder
5. Pixel'Sprite
4. Prince'Charming
3. Pepper'Salt (Pepper'Mint)
2. Popcorn'Corn
1. Pike'Kadaski


1. Quick'Silver


8. Rusty'Armor
7. Rodeo'Dust
6. Rocky'Pine (Rocky'Stone)
5. Rasp'Berry
4. Razzle'Dazzle
3. Royal'Crown
2. Rocky'Mountain
1. Red'Rock


11. Super'Sonic
10. Story'Teller
9. Sour'Sweet
8. Stinky'Socks
7. Scary'Movie
6. Snake'Venom
5. Seeker'Stone
4. Shadow'Master (Shadow'Prowler, Shadow'Strike)
3. Shooting'Star
2. Slow'Sky
1. Smokey'Day (Smoke'Timber)


13. Taco'Friday
12. Therry'Bird
11. Thick'Ice
10. Tranquil'Mist
9. Thunder'Chaos (Thunder'Rolls, Thunder'Cards)
8. Talon'Whisper
7. Tricky'Treat
6. Tornado'Storm
5. Tequila'Shot
4. The'Pike
3. Titan'Cliff
2. Teddy'Bear
1. Tzatziki'Sauce



2. Valley'Oak
1. Vegas'Viper


11. Wallie'Walrus
10. Whisper'Shot
9. Wild'Fire
8. Waves'Ripple
7. Willy'Wonka
6. Wise'Pebble
5. War'Peace
4. Willow'Sage
3. White'Spot
2. Wonder'Sea
1. Woody'Skin (Woody'Tramp)



2. Yin'Forest
1. Young'Star



Posted 2024-05-07 05:15:12 (edited)

Neutral Single Names


20. Aquaria
19. Azure
18. Alaska
17. Alpaca
16. Apple
15. Alex
14. Acwulf
13. Alarick
12. Amwlof
11. Adair
10. Aldwyn
9. Aldwulf
8. Azouf
7. Adamite
6. Ahiru
5. Aquifer
4. Airmead
3. Alastrine
2. Andreen
1. Adalwolfa


7. Bardoul
6. Beach
5. Beowulf
4. Bernulf
3. Blevine
2. Bahja
1. Brygeen


12. Comet
11. Cypress
10. Clover
9. Cloud
8. Clell
7. Cascade
6. Cavern
5. Chimney
4. Chiby(Chibi)
3. Cathwulf
2. Channe
1. Cathmor


4. Dusk
3. Diamond
2. Delilah
1. Due


6. Evan
5. Eden
4. Embossed
3. Elvynryb
2. Ernouf
1. Edme


5. Faith
4. Fallon (Fillan)
3. Fridolf
2. Freki
1. Freckles


6. Galaxy
5. Grave
4. Gallon
3. Gwynneth
2. Gyllbane
1. Grape


6. Hashira
5. Howl
4. Harou
3. Hati
2. Hrolf
1. Hordweard


1. Indie


2. Jace
1. Joyce



12. Lobo
11. Lovel
10. Lovette
9. Lovota
8. Lupus
7. Lyall
6. Lyfing
5. Laird
4. Luidolf
3. Lyfing
2. Lyulph
1. Lael


10. Maple
9. Meadow
8. Muffin
7. Mingan
6. Minuet
5. Manila
4. Magik
3. Meta
2. Myrrglosch (Myrr)
1. Mhairie


2. Nova
1. Nimolak


4. Outlaw
3. Owein
2. Orca
1. Oars


7. Platinum
6. Phoenix
5. Pebble
4. Phelan
3. Padraigh
2. Pepper
1. Posh


1. Quest


7. Ripple
6. Rebel
5. River
4. Rule
3. Rhudi
2. Rollo
1. Rotri


15. Schizo
14. Silvius
13. Spirit
12. Saffron
11. Skittles
10. Snuggles
9. Sonata
8. Signis/Signal
7. Strauss
6. Skaarsgard
5. Svallberg(Svall)
4. Sigwulf
3. Slavka
2. Svenka
1. Sylvanryb


11. Timber
10. Thistle
9. Tequila
8. Toffee
7. Trooper
6. Trinity
5. Tinker
4. Tweedy
3. Teowulf
2. Tamsen
1. Tsinga


1. Uwais


4. Vine
3. Venus
2. Velvel
1. Vision


1. Willow


1. Xia



3. Zebra
2. Zev
1. Zombies

Neutral Double Names


6. Abducted'Victim
5. Autumn'Viper
4. Against'Existence
3. Arguments'Cause
2. Anatytic'Interest
1. Amethyst'Lupin


9. Baked'Bun
8. Burning'Ashes
7. Broken'Castro
6. Boo'Boo
5. Battle'Cry
4. Blue'Berry (Blue'Wing)
3. Bread'Crumbs
2. Brittle'Bread
1. Beloved'Folk


14. Chocolate'Bar
13. Coconut'Flavor
12. Chosen'Ruler
11. Claw'Gossip
10. Cheap'Thrills
9. Coral'Reef
8. Crown'Imperial
7. Charcoal'Feather
6. Christmas'Carol
5. Critical'Success
4. Cuddly'Moon
3. Cinnamon'Bun
2. Clear'sight
1. Chip'Chop


5. Demons'Loot
4. Dawn'Seeker
3. Dream'Ester
2. Dragon'Lover (Dragon'Wing, Dragon'Slayer, Dragon'Legend, Dragon'dagger, Dragon' hater, Dragon'wolf, Dragon'car)
1. Devil'666


2. Emesis'Dragon
1. Ethical'Reflection


12. Frozen'Glacier (Frozen'Fire)
11. Fair'Fax
10. Fake'Lover
9. Fool'Slayer
8. Fire'Drop (Fire'Heart, Fire'Ball)
7. Faiths'Patience
6. Future'Resembles
5. Fellows'Credit
4. Flames'Illusion
3. Focal'Meaning
2. False'Theory
1. Flip'Flop


6. Grizzly'Heart
5. Glazed'Donut
4. Galactic'Howl
3. Galaxy'Dimension
2. Grammatical'Variant
1. Ginger'Snap


4. Honey'Jar (Honey'Moo)
3. Hypnotic'Melody
2. Hypnotizing'Devil
1. Hip'Hop


4. Infected'Love
3. Instrumental'Voice
2. Imitating'Style
1. Infinite'Series


2. Jolly'Rancher
1. Jelly'Bean



3. Logic'Error
2. Linguists'Language
1. Love'Fading


9. Missing'Kiss
8. Magic'Blink
7. Meta'Physics
6.. Musical'Volume
5. Modal'Influence
4. Moral'Belief
3. Moon'wacher
2. Malicious'Diamond
1. Melania'Arthur


4. Non-Literal'Elegance
3. Negative'View
2. Natures'Uniformity
1. Nature'Gunner


2. Objective'Result
1. Original'Copy


4. Polar'Eclipse
3. Promising'Howl
2. Pseudo'Talent
1. Paper'Crown


1. Quiet'Mistress


6. Red'Movie
5. Royalty'Resistance
4. Rhyme'Reason (Rythmn'Blues)
3. Religions'Speech
2. Rise'Tomorrow
1. Raven'Breeze (Raven'Hawk, Raven'Claw)


12. Shattered'Diamond
11. Shiny'Star
10. Solar'System
9. Smoked'BBQ
8. Sweet'Chip
7. Sour'Lime
6. Sleepy'Hallow
5. Survivor'Rival
4. Spiced'Taco
3. Syntax'Error
2. Subjects'Matter
1. Slaves'Passion


8. Tea'Cup
7. Toxic'Fluid
6. Tragic'Magic
5. Tasty'Chicken
4. Truths'Condition
3. Two'Truths
2. Traditional'Divine
1. Tick'Tock


1. Unique'Tweak


2. Vanilla'Ice cream
1. Vintage'Romance





1. Zig'Zag


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