Nightcrooner's Lullabies ✣ Onsite Warriors Rp
Nightcrooner's Lullabies ✣ Onsite Warriors Rp
Posted 2024-05-15 16:22:05 (edited)
![]() Alcarie #5393 |
Posted 2024-06-10 11:20:03
Mornings had become a worrisome time; he wasn't sure whether the dawn would be greeted by all of his clan or whether another cats had become a victim of the night. As Silentstar watched the sky go form indigo to pink, the tom gave a weary sigh of relief. During his watch there'd been no eerie singing or cats walking into the forest in a trance. The nightly watches had become a constant by then, with one or sometimes two cats lurking by the camps entrances to be sure no one escaped if lulled out by Nightcrooner. At least they stood a chance if knocked, sometimes literally, out of the trance. Silentstar had replaced Tinyshadow deep in the night, allowing the tiny warrior some much needed rest. He worried about his late brothers mate; Tinyshadow didn't have much weight to lose in the first place and he appeared thinner by the day. As the sun started peeking out over the horizon Silentstar stood up and stretched out his aching limbs. Leaf-fall was well upon them and sitting on the cold ground for hours wasn't good for anyone's joints, much less a tom who was past his prime. Maybe he'd join a hunting patrol this morning, warm himself up? Without a deputy sorting patrols had fallen on him, so it would be easy enough. He really needed to start thinking about appointing a new deputy, but the death of Icemist was still a bleeding wound. How many more cats would Nightcrooner take? Or would it keep going until there was no clan left? Ears flattening at the thought, Silentstar moved from the shadows at the edge of camp and went to sit closer to the center to see when cats began waking. Palepaw :: A sneeze jarred Palepaw awake, and with a sputter she batted the offending feather from her nest away from her nose. She'd been having such a nice dream too! Grumpy, the fluffy she-cat sat up with a wide yawn and lengthy stretch. The apprentices den was comfortably warm with the bodies off all the other apprentices and she was reluctant to leave it for the bitter leaf-fall air outside. But Palepaw knew she'd get fidgety soon and didn't want to risk the wrath of another cat of she accidently woke them. So with a quiet groan she carefully made her way out into the camp, blinking against the chilly wind. At first glace she didn't see her mentor so figured she had time to go annoy her sister for a bit, maybe bring her something to eat if there was anything on the freshkill pile. If there was and someone else wanted it, well too bad! Palepaw wasn't above boxing a few ears for Brightpaw. Amused at the thought, she trotted over to the kill pile to see what there was. |
![]() Alcarie #5393 |
Posted 2024-06-10 11:30:30
Brightpaw Waking up, the calico she-cat decided to do some exercises. Dragging herself, literally, out of the medicine den, Brightpaw noticed her sister walking towards the fresh-kill pile. Palepaw wasn't going to win this time! The medicine apprentice could do things like getting food by herself! Pulling herself higher up, the spotted apprentice started to quickly make her way to the pile that her sister was getting close to. "Hey! Wait up!" Brightpaw meowed as quietly as she could, also making sure that Palepaw could hear her. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-06-10 11:35:43
Leopardleaf Padding back into camp, the leopard-like warrior saw Palepaw and Brightpaw heading towards the fresh-kill pile. Knowing the two apprentices, they were competing with each other. With a vole and a mouse in her jaws, Leopardleaf easily beat both apprentices to the pile and dropped her catch with the small amount already there. Perhaps she should have gotten more? Turning around, the golden she-cat headed back out of camp. She would do some more hunting. The Clan needed more prey. |
![]() DarkHeart #137813 |
Posted 2024-06-10 11:49:32
Larkkit blinked her eyes open, looking around the nursery. Dovekit was still asleep, so she carefully rose to her paws, sneaking around her den mate. She glanced at the older apprentices near the fresh kill pile, but decided she could wait to eat until they left. She settled down next to the nursery with her head on her paws to wait. |
Akela #130865 |
Posted 2024-06-10 11:52:41
![]() The sunlight was beginning to seep through the crispy leaves of the autumn. The ground was cold and hard to touch from the night's bitter temps. The light begging for Fishpaw to open his eyes for another day. His eyes slowly crept open, still drowsy from being in a deep sleep. Fishpaw was lucky to have a safe place to rest head. He's been alone for so long; it was nice to feel safe. However, his thoughts quickly seemed to invade his languid mind. Ever since the clan took him in, he could feel something was amiss. The thick fog that surrounded the clan gave the place an eerie feeling. It made his fur stand on edge. Something just didn't sit right with him. The warriors of the clan seemed to be on guard, but for what? He had to find out because after all this is his new home. Fishpaw stretched his legs and arched his back in a big morning stretch. He let out a little yawn to shave the dozy feeling away before standing up on his four legs. Upon standing, he made his way out of the den to locate any willing adult that would answer his questions. He looked pitiful looking around at all the strange cats. |
![]() Kibi #15677 |
Posted 2024-06-10 12:36:26
Dovekit woke to an empty den, sat up, and did a long stretch accompanied by a silent yawn. She padded out and took in the giant camp around her. "I'll go see the rest of the camp today." She said to herself. She started to walk out and another yawn shook through her as she spotted Larkkit. She starts to walk but not after long, becomes tired. "How do the warriors do this all day?" She mused. "I guess I need to become stronger..." She yawns again, then settles near Larkkit to eat when her turn comes. |
Amanda #140135 |
Posted 2024-06-10 12:50:48
Scorchsight The large dark tom stared out of the warrior's den, his paws curled underneath his chest. He'd had another... he'd call it a nightmare, but it was simply a memory of the night his father wandered out, except with a few added gruesome details. Scorchsight lowered his head, shaking it as his ears angled backwards. That sight would never leave his mind. He partially blamed himself for not helping his dad, but he did not know any better then. He was no use sitting here, moping over the past. The tom was glad to even be alive right now, so he took that into account. Glancing around the den, it seemed everyone was there besides Leopardleaf, but he'd seen her walk into the clearing with prey. Tinyshadow was still asleep, so he slowly pushed himself to his paws to press his cold nose against his brother's shoulder. It was an attempt to comfort him. His maw slowly downturned in a frown as he saw his frail frame outlined by the rising sun. Lifting his head, he turned out of the den and took in a deep breath of the crisp air and took a seat a few paces away. His eyes were temporarily trained on his apprentice and her sister heading towards the freshkill, the little kits emerging from the den, and then Fishpaw wandering around. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2024-06-10 13:35:03
Akela #130865 |
Posted 2024-06-10 13:35:31
Hazelpaw She bounds through the clan entrance, with two mice hanging from their tails in her jaws. She walks silently up to the fresh-kill pile and drops her load, "Do you want me to go hunting again LeopardLeaf?" She asks looking to her mentor. She was hungry but could go out again to hunt or train. |
![]() Wishes~Glow #111522 |