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Give a Gift, Get a Gift!

Give a Gift, Get a Gift!
Posted 2024-05-19 10:50:46

This forum is pretty self-explanatory, you give a gift to someone above you, and the person below you has to follow suit!

Please read the rules!

1. Please don't ask for super expensive things. GC limit is 2, SC limit is 300. Don't ask for a bunch of Grove items either and NEVER ask for real money.
2. Send what you said you were going to send. Never say you're going to, then don't.
3. If you don't want surprises, please say so in your post.
4. Keep random text or thanks to pms.
5. Have patience if the person above you is editing.
6. If you cant gift what is on the list above, please wait.
7. If there's a problem or you were skipped, dm me.

Enjoy everyone!


Posted 2024-05-19 10:54:57
I'll start! Wanting

Come check out my wolf shop! Please buy an adult wolf link

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