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Hoard sale

Hoard sale
Posted 2024-05-29 10:41:18 (edited)
just a little place to sell some stuff I probably won't use

Stuff I'm Selling

Very rare things (custom decor)

Blank eyes (link) [10 uses]- 6 GC
Fresh scar (link )[10 uses]- 6 GC
Note: you'll have to send me the GC first so I can buy a copy

Rare things

Pherris Fur Tuft- 3 GC (2 in stock)
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Lunar] [5 uses]-  10 gC
Lunar Dream Strip Earring  [5 uses]- 10 GC
Lunar Star Dream Earring- [5 uses] 10 GC
Black Sage- 10 GC
Blue Sage- 20 GC
Base Applicator [Moss] - 30 GC
White Sage- 40 GC

Semi-rare things

Aging crystal- 1 GC
Flickering flower- 1 GC per 2 (10 in stock)
Glowing spores- 1 GC per 3 (16 in stock)
Canine claw- 1 GC (3 in stock)
Canine fang- 1 GC (1 in stock)
Wolf skull (1-6 uses)- 1 GC (4 in stock)
Remnant: Wolf skull- 1 GC per 2 (28 in stock)
Remnant: wolf tail- 1 GC (1 in stock)
Recipe: Charged eyes- 3 GC (2 in stock)
Recipe: Cnitharian Frill Accents- 1 GC (1 in stock)
Recipe: Flickering Meadow- 2 GC (1 in stock)
Recipe: moose ear accessory- 2 GC (1 in stock)
Recipe: Gunnison Sage-Grouse Feather [Male]- 1 GC (1 in stock)

Not rare things

Large leaves- 1 GC per 4 (36 in stock)
Large branch- 1 GC per 5 (32 in stock)
Large rock- 1 GC per 5 (29 in stock)
Herbs- 1 GC per 8 (ask on availability)
Medicine: cystitis cure (1 use)- 2 GC
Medicine: ear mites ointment (2 uses)- 2 GC
Medicine: heart stroke remedy (2 uses)- 2 GC
Medicine: mange salve (1 use)- 2 GC
Medicine: pox balm (1 use)- 2 GC
Medicine: tapeworm remedy (2 uses)- 2 GC
Medicine: healing salv - 2 GC (2 in stock)
Herb bundle- 1 GC
Food- 1 GC for each 50 uses (ask on availability)
Amusement- 1 GC for each 40 uses (ask on availability)
Remnants- 1 GC for each 30 (ask on availability,  rare remnants excluded)
Recipe: Playful Spotted Skunk- 1 GC (6 in stock)
Recipe: Rabbit Foot Den- 1 GC (1 in stock)
Recipe: Valley Oak- 1 GC (1 in stock)
Recipe: Blue Jay Feather Decor- 1 GC (1 in stock)
Owl talon necklace (5 uses) - 100 SC (1 in stock)
Scar: Stop (5 uses)- 100 SC (1 in stock)
Scattered Bones (1-5 uses)- 100 SC (3 in stock)


Posted 2024-05-29 10:51:38 (edited)
400 SC = 1 GC

Some items I accept as payment

marking occupancy changer- 250 SC
marking applicator (Grove)- 4 GC
marking applicators (non-Grove)- 20 GC
base applicator (non-Grove)- 30 GC
custom decor creator- 8 GC
ask about others!

Wolves I would accept as payment

any patches/piebald that is low-gen, NIB, has 7+ markings, and is either male and/or non-bred = 30 GC (must be adult)
any albino/mela with the above conditions = 35 GC
any female mutie that meets all the above conditions but is bred and is T3/T* = same worth as above males/non-bred females
may accept others, just ask!


Posted 2024-05-29 10:53:36
if my prices are ridiculously high or you would like to try a bargain, just pm me!


Posted 2024-05-29 11:19:14
one last thing- I would really appreciate purchases in GC because I am trying to make another custom decor!


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