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🍃Secrets of Spruce🌲 (On-Site Warrior Cat RP)

Posted 2024-06-01 11:28:43


The tom grabbed her sister's tail, keeping it down. "Your not going without me..." He muttered, half-asleep. Nightkit had woken the cloud-like kit slightly, so he knew what was happening, but Snowkit was still groggy. His pitch-black sister better not get up to mischief without him!

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-01 11:33:59


She stopped and waited for her brother to wake up as much as possible and then lead the way out of the Nursery, being carful not to wake Poolfrost. When she got out she ran over to the Fresh-kill pile checking the amount of prey then turning to her brother, "You want to go hunting?" She asked a glint of determination in her eyes, she wanted to be useful to the clan. "It would be good practice.".


Posted 2024-06-01 11:40:13


"Sure!" He responded quickly, determination in his eyes. The ball of fluff that Nightkit called her brother needed something to take his mind of their parents, and perhaps they could see them now? Snowkit sneaked out of the camp, using a secret exit only the two trouble-makers knew. It was behind the fresh-kill pile, and was quite small. Perfect for two mischievous kits. Waiting for his night-like sister, the snow-white tom cast his senses to track for any near-by prey.

(Snowkit gets nothing but Nightkit gets a small piece of prey)

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-01 11:51:24


She follows her brother and as soon as she is out of camp she drops into her best hunting crouch, copying what she's seen the apprentices do. She opens her mouth taking in the scents of the forest. After a minute she recognizes the scent of a mouse and stalks over to a bush, after she identifies where it is she pounces into it. There's a rustling in the bush before she comes out with a mouse in her mouth and a triumphant expression.


Posted 2024-06-01 11:59:19


Snowkit had failed to catch anything, but seeing his sister's success cheered him up. The Clan would be fed twice with Nightkit hunting! Trotting back towards the camp entrance, the tom suddenly halted. "What will they say once they find out we've been out of camp?" He asked, already imagining the earful Poolfrost would give them once she found out. Was this a bad idea? They were just trying to help...

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-01 12:03:08 (edited)


She pauses next to her brother, "Maybe we hide it under all of the other prey?" she meows thoughtfully. "They might just think they missed it before…". She pads over to their secret exit and walks through quietly.


Posted 2024-06-02 01:04:53 (edited)


Following his sister, the fluffy cloud of a cat's energy drained like water in a drought. Would their parents be mad at them? Would they be disappointed? They did both die, perhaps they never liked the two kits. Padding nearby the nursery, Snowkit refused to enter, instead, he curled up next to the bracken. He was in the far corner, so it would be hard to find him.

Timeskip soon!

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-06-02 09:47:21


She waits outside the secret exit and when her brother doesn't come she walks back through, leaving her prey in camp. "Snowkit?" She whispered. "Where are you? We have to get back to the Nursery."


Posted 2024-06-04 04:59:36
wild'kityawned and smiled as she looked at her sleeping mother and trotted out of the nursery and trotted over to night'kit "what are you to doing?!" she whispered with a mischievous  glare at the two kits

splinter'paw sat in his nest and looked down at his paws sadly he looked up to the night'kit and snow'kits father he wanted to be just like the fearless tom

pool'frost slowly fell asleep as she the kits snores and breathing drifts her to sleep I wnt them to see me as a mother and that I will always be three for them I don't want them to just see me as a replacement
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 2024-06-04 05:08:55


She swerves around looking at Wildkit, "Don't tell anyone" she asked "I'm just looking for Snowkit." She meowed and then continued to call him, becoming increasingly worried for her brother.


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