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Choose a Door!

Posted 1 week ago
I'll take the twisted path!


Posted 6 days ago
Sorry for the late reply! About to make the results

Posted 6 days ago (edited)
You make your way down the twisty trail, going along its curves and edges as you make your way forward. It leads you to a gorgeous garden, filled with flowers. You even picks up a few. @KasperKat got 5x Flowers!

You make your way forward on the sunny path, avoiding the thorns the best you can. You eventuallly find your way out to the exit, having even found a few critters and supplies! @mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸 Got 2x critter bundle, 1x Large Stick, and 1x Large Leaf!

You make your way to the shady path, stepping forward a bit carefully, as you can't see all-to-well. Suddenly, it becomes almost completely dark and blocked of the sun. You turn a corner, but as you do, you realize that you are no longer out in the open, but in a cavern filled with gems!
Got 5x Gems!
The next narrator is mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 5 days ago
Tired from your adventures you decide to rest a while and eat a couple of the critters you found.
You hear the water gurgling from the right and head in that direction till you find a clearing next to where a brook widens in a natural pool before continuing its journey.
It's a lovely place, and you are not the only one to think it.
Three group of wolves are resting in the area, in all the best places and they all seem rather taken with each other. Still, you want to rest so you go near one of them hoping they won't mind too much.

Two female wolves are resting in the shade of a large oak tree. The darker one is licking the other's fur while she looks at her with eyes full of love.

Three male wolvess - Near the edge of the deeper side pool, a younger wolf, hardly more than an adolescent, is playing about in and out of the water, splashing other two. The white merle one paces, visibly fretting, while the patches one lies calmly. At first you think they might be brothers, but there's something in the way they look at each other that speaks of something more.

Male and female Near a rock that casts a deep shadow, a male and a female wolf are chatting happily. Their shoulders brush and they are clearly involved in one another, yet you do not sense any sexual tension. Still, they too feel like more than friends.

Who do you approach?

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 5 days ago
I approach the two females :)

Posted 5 days ago
I approach the three males!


Posted 5 days ago
The pair of wolves!


Posted 5 days ago
@zebree - The two wolves greet you with courtesy if a little wariness, the lighter one moving over to allow you some space in the shade. You settle down next to her, keeping a bit of distance since the darker one is checking your every your move. Once sure you are not going to try anything funny, she leaves you with her mate and bounds off, returning a few minutes later with a garland of colorful flowers for herand even a couple of flowers for you.
You get 2 flowers and 2 herbs.

@Asahi - As you near the three wolves, the merle stills and moves closer to the younger one, hair standing straight on his back. But it's the patches that worries you. He springs up and stands in front of the other two, teeth bared and a low rumble in his chest. You take a step back, the heat suddenly looking far more appealing and are ready to leave. Then the  the younger one barges foreword, nips the patches playfully and, tail held high, stops right in front of you. "Hi, I'm Waterfall on Ice, that one is Angel Heart and this grumpy idiot is Dustwind. Don't worry, he's all snarl and no bite. Well, sort of. We had some problems with wolves not understanding our super great love story, so he's a little protective, but you look like a nice guy! Why don't you join us, I got some yummy fish!"
You get some fish

@Kasperkat - The relationship between the two wolves intrigues you and as you near you notice that the female keeps touching the male who laughs and brushes her off with gentle playfulness. She does not seem to care, probably used to his low sex drive, and keeps chatting excitedly about the new cave they are  setting up now that they are mated.
You sit next to them and when they ask, give them some advice about what leaves are the best for cave building.
You get cave material

Next narrator:  ஓ๑♡Asahi♡๑ஓ

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 5 days ago (edited)
Alright, I'm still struggling with writers block, so🥲

Door one - it smells very nice and has a bunch if plants growing through underneath
Door two - the door is very colourful
Door three - you can hear the sound of snarling and clawing coming from the other side

Which door do you enter?


Posted 5 days ago
Door three! Cause Idk why but it callllllls me lol

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