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Event: Springtide Howl Fayre

Posted 2024-06-22 08:40:47
I loved this event itself! We players had so many things to do in such a short time! (AND somehow I still managed to get some apps! Hallelujah LOL) 

However, I found the story of this event a bit boring, I hope it expands in the future with things like rivals fighting with us for certain prizes/rewards or....something involving our herbalists perhaps?? well idduno. But I hope the story gains more characters somehow.

Overall this event won my approval, pretty good


Posted 2024-06-23 01:29:19 (edited)
2 more comments as we keep going through the event;

The storyline is indeed very... stretched and far between. I finished the quests, waited 5 days, and then it gave me 1 minimal comment and there's AGAIN wait 5 days?! And not even something to do this time? What? Why cant it be 1 rollover, why does it have to take SO long between the empty steps that have no quests to finish?.. I feel like Im being forced to roll over when there's not much to do except grind for currency - its boring.

And the Lunar Seeds are nonexistant. I understand having a chance % for normal encounters to drop seeds, but seriously, lunar one should have guaranteed drop... Ive had it like 4 times, every time it failed to give me any seeds, but Lunar currency is limited, its not something you can just try again like normal explore. When its over, there's no more chance to find any! This encounter should have 100% guarantee to give seeds, NOT have such high chance to fail that you never get any.
Mad Hyena

Posted 2024-06-23 01:42:18
@Mad Hyena -- The lunar contest is bugged, that's why its not budging. I know several people including myself who *have* gotten at least one seed and could enter. Regardless, the rate seems really low orz


Posted 2024-06-23 01:48:57
I see! Well, contest aside, it still is WAY too low to get an encounter 4+ times and never get any seeds. The lunar tears are hard limited, you cant just try again or use an item or buy them in a shop like normal seeds. They should have a guaranteed drop because of how limited the chance to find any is.
Mad Hyena

Posted 2024-06-23 02:59:23
@Remmie. Same here.
But at the momento che whole "contest" page is bugged for me. It gives me the listo of plants it wants, without the picture, and blow that, only errore warnings. :(

Plus, asking in the daily for extra rear lunar flowers is really a bit unfair, because of what @MadHyena said above.

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 2024-06-23 03:55:41 (edited)
Ive spent 3 days trying to get seeds but all I ever get is:

Well if it looks like one, surely it can be harvested? You try to harvest it gently, but the plant crumbles into a glowing pile when you touch it. Damn!

5th time now. 72/100 tears used today+25 daily and Ive only found this encounter once, only to be slapped with "HAHA not good enough to get the seeds" again. After FOUR times already. Lunar encounters arent anywhere as easy to "try again" as normal explore, we CANT try past the daily limits, no matter what we do, just impossible! So an encounter shouldnt be THIS outrageously stubborn in Lunar explore.
Mad Hyena

Posted 2024-06-23 04:57:04
I love the event, got to be one of my favourites, but I have to agree with the Lunar seeds comments. I wish they were just a little bit easier to get!


Posted 2024-06-23 06:01:15
so are high gen flowers better or worse than low gens? I've seen different comments and I'm very confused

Posted 2024-06-23 06:39:12 (edited)
High gen are better, they raise in quality with more generations and place higher in contests than the lower gen flowers!
Mad Hyena

Posted 2024-06-23 09:00:39
I'm concerned that the contests will become clogged with lunar stuff that not enough players can enter. Do the contests expire if they don't run in a certain amount of time?
