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🎨 Customizable YWH: Chibi Pride 🏳️‍🌈 🐺 [CLOSED] [need payment from peeps! c:]

Posted 2024-07-07 08:14:45 (edited)

7/7 Update:
• Please continue to monitor this post to see exactly where I'm at in my to-do list. As orders are completed, I'll move them up to the top list, just as I moved you up from unpaid to paid. As you can see, I've gotten 4 orders done already <3 (That's 10 YWHs total so far hehe!)
• While I had some days off this past week which made that possible, that's over now, so my arting availability is once again only on Wednesdays and the weekend. So! Please be patient with me. <33
• 2 people still need to send in their payment -- while technically no rush until I catch up, please just send in when possible c:

Thank you so much, everyone, for all the support throughout this thread, I really appreciate it. You guys have all been so kind. 🥺 Like before, please reach out if I've made any mistakes. Thank you!


🆕🆕🆕🆕7/28 Update: 🆕🆕🆕
Diligently working on the remaining orders on my days off, ty for the patience <33


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