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Sully's Journal Log

Sully's Journal Log
Posted 2024-06-22 22:20:44 (edited)
This is an unorganized forum where I'll dump my thoughts and keep track of plans for my account

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okay im totally giving up with trying to understand genetics and im deciding to just breed whoever i like if i think theyre cool. right now im losing my mind trying to figure out how to do this bottle neck project, but i realized i was actually short a pair. i have five g1 pairs, along with frostbite and her pups, for a total of 6 g2 offspring. this will bring me to 3 g3 offspring, so ive decided i will use azure and a t3 chased to produce a g2 offspring. so by the end i will have 3 g3s and one g2, which i can then work on pairing. i will then have 2 g4s, and eventually 1 g5. i dont know what ill do when i get to this point. maybe start an all offspring pack? i might mimic my lioden approach of breeding offspring, selecting one, and then claiming chased or special nbws to breed with, and so on. not sure yet


idek know where i was going with the below. i wanna breed grulla, need cool wolves? breeding is hard

looking to breed the grulla base. best bets would be cool medium x cool medium t3 but the only cool medium t3 IS the grulla base. im not gonna shell out for a chased grulla, so, if i breed a cool and a monochrome together they will only either produce a cool or monochrome which is gonna be my best bet here.

I will need at least one cool medium base
t1: khaki (nbw) , blue (custom)
t2: diorite (special nbw), galena (custom), maltese (breed only-- best bet to get this is cool medium t2 x cool medium t2) - diorite seems to be my best bet of doing this on my own
t3: grulla (no go)

i will also need one monochrome medium
t1: ashen (nbw), birch (nbw),


Getting confused trying to remember what wolves I'm putting in what parties so I'm just gonna write it here

Stalker: Iris (make Iris mentor and replace with Hal)
Chaser: Brigand
Chaser: Silverbell
Chaser: Storm
Finisher: Aurora

Stalker: Freyr
Chaser: Quip
Chaser: Smoke
Chaser: Pumpkin
Finisher: Mykur


Still working on leveling up Vigil, at lvl 12 now.

Brainstorming pairs for the couple pups I have, I think Smoke and Pumpkin could be good because of their personalities and the variety their bases could produce.

Got a few new chased that I caught on my own, enough to have pupsitters now which is cool. I really considered breaking up Silverbell and Vigil to put Vigil with Whiplash, just because she's so cool, but I don't want to deal with that cool down again. Never again, ughh, so punishing.

I'm finding that passing down markings is extremely difficult.

Rosemary  and  Iris only have one breeding attempt left :(


So, Quinn is retired.

I'm currently working on leveling Vigil to at least 15, to get special nbws.
I'm working on letting my wolves cooldown and pairing them up, right now I have Mykur and Quip paired and I have my first pup that I'm planning to keep, Smoke. Not sure if he's gonna be permanent but he's cute. Iris is pregnant right now, we'll see how that works out.

Just trying to stay focused on leveling and breeding, I want to carry on the lines of all the starter wolves I have now. Need to prioritize avoiding inbreeding. I think that's just gonna get harder as things go on.

I'll also need to obtain more chased wolves as partners for offspring. I can definitely breed offspring together now, since they'll only be gen 2, but that won't last for long. I think I'll let it come naturally— cross the bridge when I get to it.


Den clear out was successful!
It was very hard to do but I'm excited to start things fresh.

Current plan of attack is;

- allow Quinn to die, store him in dynasty
- allow retirement wolves to die and store in dynasty

In the meantime;

- keep rosemary as stud, Justin likes him
- place Vigil as lead after Quinn



Pose Variant [Sentinel]

0/15 Glowing Spores

0/4 Canine Fang

0/4 Canine Claw

0/2 Remnant:  Wolf Skull

0/2 Remnant:  Wolf Tail


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