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CraterClan: An ONSITE, SEMI-LIT WC Roleplay (Open)

Posted 5 days ago
Blazestripe turned as at the voices. "Morning my friends." He said.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Ebony-she/her-warrior (name not yet changed)

Ebony returned the nod, flashing a fake confident smile with it. The way Briar wing had looked over at her, mildly unsettling, like claws scratching rock, not that she was scared of a fight, but she was worried if she crossed some cat here, rumors would spread, and she might become even more of an outsider.

Briar wing-she/her-warrior

"Morning Snowfern" she replied, her tone neutral. She gave a small dip of her head, just a respectful gesture, while she wasn't the biggest friendly cat, she gave those who felt deserved it a bit of respect, Snowfur was a tad iffy but oh well.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 4 days ago
Maroon'Fate | Medcat

With a swish of his tail he raised up to his paws and strided back to the medicine den with his head low, which really just made him look that much shorter than he already was in hopes of avoiding someone's attention so he could just lay alone and research plant's till the cold ceased….

Not that he really thought he'd be that lucky as he laid himself down by the storage and a stray dried leaf landed unceremoniously upon his head, around other's really wasn't his scene… but neither was dying alone in the woods due to his mild disability.


Posted 4 days ago
Blazestripe walked up to maroonfate. "Hello, friend, want to talk?:

petal the forsetwing

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