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Astray | Semi-Lit, Stray Dog RPG [Open]

Posted 2024-08-26 12:01:37
Shadow/ Diablo's Pack/ Fighter/ Female
(Shadow is a Greyhound/Bloodhound mix. She is a silver, white, black, brown and grey mottled dog and she is quite tall. Also not too sure if i am able to just join or if i have to ask so just let me know)

Shadow wasn't seen very often but when she was she always had new scars or some blood somewhere on her body. She hadn't been in the pack long but she helped the hunters sometimes to bring back more prey for the pack. She had followed Diablo's scent trail as she wanted to help him and Xena. She trotted towards the fence, stopping a bit away from it. She sniffed the air, her ears sticking straight up when she scents a third scent mingling with Diablo and Xena's scents. She trotted towards the gate that was ajar and trotted through it, quickly spotting Xena and Diablo and a third dog, she didnt recognize. She lowered her head, watching them, ready to step in the moment she saw things going sideways.
Zorallo [What the heck?]

Posted 2024-09-19 10:19:53

The merle pitbull emerged from her den, her rugged face showing only determination. Her muscles rippled as she left the Pack House, making a beeline for the bridge connecting the two sides of the city. A long scar wrapped along her leg caused her a slight limp as she walked, but to underestimate her would be a mistake. That scar was from her last fight- the one she lost- the one that got her left for dead. But that scar was only a reminder to never back down- to never lose again. As she left, she gave Diablo a respectful nod. She'd be back soon- maybe with a new scar- but she'd be back.

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