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Pack Lore: Gods of the Pantheon

Pack Lore: Gods of the Pantheon
Posted 2024-07-05 10:29:44 (edited)
Decided to make a dedicated thread going into detail about each god in the pantheon worshipped by my pack, including info on their demonic enemies. Feel free to comment and ask questions on this thread! Just know that it's a work in progress and I'm filling out the details as I go.

The first thing to note is that not all gods are made equal. They're divided into two groups: the greater gods, who preside over vast domains, and the minor gods, whose spheres of influence are more niche. They dwell in the heavenly plane, the divine realm where all deities live. Each pantheon simply has their own corner of it and prefers to pretend the others don't exist - both to themselves and their worshippers.

The reason? All gods rely on faith to exist. It was with the faith of mortals that they came into being, and without it they cease to be. Their power is directly connected to their pool of worshippers, which they are very careful to maintain and grow. As the greater gods have more expansive domains, they are worshipped more than the minor gods, as fewer tend to pray to them. For example, every wolf prays for the God of Love to bless their pairbond, but not all wolves have reason to worship the Goddess of Rain. It is this that defines the gulf of power and influence between the greater and minor gods.

Last but certainly not least, the gods for eternity have warred against the demons of the underworld - NOT the land of the dead, that's the afterlife, but the realm of evil. The thing is, neither side can breach the domain of the other, so naturally their fights spill over into the mortal realm.

The Pantheon

The Greater Gods:
- Leia, Goddess of Hunting
- Leos, God of Healing
- Nox, Goddess of Death
- Leto, God of Love
- Sarabi, Goddess of Skies
- Zoë, Goddess of Waters
- Dereth, God of Land
- Siroc, God of Seasons and Change
- Behi, God of Truth and Patron of Trans Wolves (use opposite gender pronouns of yours to refer to Behi or they/them if not binary)
- Mira, Goddess of Luck, Karma, and Curses
- Pan, God of Music
- Yelena, Goddess of Crafting

Minor Gods:
- Aleph, God of Groves
- Erani, Goddess of Springs
- Nero, God of Youth and Guardian of Puppies
- Kuranda, Goddess of Rain
- Rylene, Goddess of Lightning
- Irae, God of Travelers
- Roy, God of Flames

Why no god of war? What need do wolves have to worship war? With no faith, there's no god. Nor do they need one. Not for this.

Posted 2024-07-05 10:30:16 (edited)

[Reserved for Leia]

The only sibling god, Leia is the older sister of Leto and the Goddess of Hunting. Few are the targets that can escape her nose, and even fewer that can escape her jaws. Leia is associated with the full moon, and it is said that those born in its light are blessed with exceptional hunting ability.

Before a hunt, wolves will pray to Leia to bless it, and after a kill, they will thank her spirit for hunting with them. Leia is often the go-to goddess when a mortal discovers a demon, as she will hunt them relentlessly - though she tends to favor going after demons strong or numerous enough to make for a good hunt. There is no sport in crushing an ant after all.

As this pantheon has no god of war, anything combat related tends to be lumped under Leia as sort of an afterthought. Who else would it go under, honestly? Leia's the only one even vaguely associated with fighting, so to Leia it goes. Not that anyone prays to her over territorial disputes and the like - such squabbling is for mortals, not gods. Hunting is her focus and domain.

Posted 2024-07-05 10:30:23 (edited)

[Reserved for Leos]

Leos is the God of Healing and younger brother to Leia. Also known as the First Herbalist, it was Leos who first descended from the heavens to teach mortal wolves the intricacies of medicine. He taught them which herbs to look for and how to use them, and for it, he is one of the most beloved of the pantheon. Like his sister, Leos is also associated with the moon, with his power said to be greatest in the darkness of the new moon. Any herbs picked in its shadow are said to be especially powerful; any herbalist worthy of the name will have their new moon stock carefully set aside from the rest, ready to be used in greatest need.

Leos's power extends to more than just herbs - wolves born under the new moon often become herbalists, as they are believed to be blessed by the God of Healing with the wisdom and potential needed to walk the path of medicine.

Posted 2024-07-05 10:30:33

[Reserved for Nox]


Posted 2024-07-05 10:30:44

[Reserved for Leto]


Posted 2024-07-05 10:31:03

[Reserved for Sarabi]


Posted 2024-07-05 10:31:15

[Reserved for Zoë]


Posted 2024-07-05 10:31:31

[Reserved for Dereth]


Posted 2024-07-05 10:31:41

[Reserved for Siroc]


Posted 2024-07-05 10:31:59

[Reserved for Behi]


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