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Auction House (OPEN)

Posted 2 days ago
That's perfectly fine! ❤️

Posted 2 days ago
350 sc on


Posted 2 days ago (edited)
260sc on Melanism Female l gen6 l Tl
and cancel bid on
Mottled Female l gen8 l Tl


Posted 2 days ago
1 gc on

Posted 2 days ago
can I place 550sc on the male ghost?


Posted 2 days ago
2gc on


Posted 2 days ago
Updating now!

Posted 4 hours ago (edited)


Check out the first page everyone! I spent hours updating the Auction, hope you like it!

Also, new wolves have been added! 2 new biewers, 3 mottleds, 2 Tlll's, and a T* wolf! I've taken into consideration of what bases people have requested to be auctioned off, and have begun my mission of grabbing low gen females and breeding for those bases, I have slowly been reaching that goal and am proud to say I have added a few of the requested bases today!

I have also removed a few wolves that have been on her for a while and have not been bid on, I will be selling them on the TC and possibly giving a few away. This was done to create room for the soon-to-be aging up wolves.

A low-gen Mojave female is being raffled off for free! If you're interested in that, check out the Free Raffles forum!

As a side note, check out the donation thread! I'm offering more points than normal for the requested bases, but please do not send over adults, at least until I manage to sell a few adults.

Posted 4 hours ago
4 gc buyout on this one!!
Also I love the update looks amazing! ❤️🐾

Posted 4 hours ago
She was born just today, so you'll have to wait until she weans.

And thank you!

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