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Warrior Cats RP - ShadowClan Territory

Posted 2024-07-24 10:17:20
Frostshade | Warrior | Female
"On which patrols do you want me to go today?" She asked her deputy. She would prefer it to go hunting, since she liked hunting and was pretty good at it. The clan could also use every prey she could catch.


Posted 2024-07-24 10:54:56

"Go ahead and do hunting," Moonpetal told her. She had recently become deputy and was still trying to get the hang of it. How many hunting patrols had she already sent out?

Posted 2024-08-07 08:28:56 (edited)
Pupheart | he/him | warrior

Pupheart paced around the camp, trying to see if anyone was around. It seemed like everyone was off doing their own thing, and Pupheart was bored out of his mind. He'd already been hunting...twice, and checked in on Moonstrike to see if anything needed to be done.

Suddenly, a thought occured to the lithe young tom - what about Blazingpaw? He hadn't seen Moonpetal mentor the young tabby in...a while. Maybe he should check in? After all, since they only had one apprentice, it was critical that he be trained.

Pupheart quickly trotted through the forest to the training hollow, quickly spotting the mottled apprentice. "Blazingpaw!" Pupheart called out, raising his tail in the air to show his friendliness.


Posted 2024-08-07 08:45:39
Crossing the border into ShadowClan, she crept through the forest tasting the air. She followed the scent of cats and spied some cats in what she assumed was the training hollow. She crouched, watching them from behind a bush.


Posted 2024-08-07 08:49:29 (edited)


"Hello!" The young apprentice was climbing a tree while waiting for his mentor, and was temporarily terrified by Pupheart's meow. His claws were imbedded in the spruce bark, and his black, fluffy fur was prickled. Only temporarily, though. As soon as the tom realised who it was calling to him, he slid down to the mossy clearing. The greeting was friendly, and genuine. His golden eyes were gleaming, perhaps he would finally be training!

{Just a quick heads up, as I don't think you know: Blazingpaw is half-ThunderClan, and the entire Clan, except for him, knows this}


Posted 2024-08-07 08:51:29
Pupheart | he/him | warrior

"Has Moonpetal been training you at all, Blazingpaw? I feel like I haven't seen her take you out in a while," Pupheart mewed to the small tom. He was temporarily distracted by some strange rusting from a nearby bush, but shrugged and dismissed it. Probably just a chipmunk.


Posted 2024-08-07 08:56:01
She spotted the apprentice, climbing a tree. Unfortunately, there was another cat nearby,


Posted 2024-08-07 08:56:14 (edited)


"Every now and then... I guess she is just busy with deputy things..." The black tabby admitted. The rustling in a nearby bush distracted the both of them. Instead of brushing it off, the young tom crouched down, ready to spring. If it was prey, it would be incredibly useful. If it was an enemy, he would be protecting his Clan. Pouncing on the green bush, the apprentice quickly realised the scent of WindClan! No cat was there, though. "Weird... I swear it smells like WindClan..." Blazingpaw reported.


Posted 2024-08-07 08:59:45
When the apprentice had crouched, she had quickly withdrawn to the cover of some brambles. Underneath the brambles, she held her breath.


Posted 2024-08-07 08:59:51
Pupheart | he/him | warrior

Pupheart opened his mouth to respond to Blazingpaw's first comment, but then as soon as Blazingpaw crouched down to spring, Pupheart scented the same thing Blazingpaw did - WindClan. His eyes narrowed and although Blazingpaw exposed the bush to be free of cats, the older tom trotted forward, scenting the ground.

"This is WindClan scent...what was a WindClan cat doing on ShadowClan territory?" Pupheart growled. "Let's follow this, we need to figure out what's going on, and it smells like a single cat anyway."


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