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Offering Mentoring

Offering Mentoring
Posted 2024-07-21 21:02:37 (edited)
I am a player who has been on & off for a couple of years. I am happy to supply some advice to those who are brand new (or returning after a hiatus).

I have general knowledge of breeding (not the most extensive but enough to get you started).
I am proficient in pack building (i.e. managing/organizing pack members based on personality & skill). Herbs, scouting, hunting, & exploring are areas I am good in.

First quests I can assist with to help you get started on your own individual journey.
Trading/raffles are areas I have some fair experience with, so if you have questions about bargaining, feel free to ask.

I advise you find someone else who is familiar with groups or setting a personalized home page, if you have questions about those. For trophy hunting & recipe finding/creating, you may want to find someone who knows more.
If you are needing supplies, I have a lot, so feel free to ask for some resources.

I do not use Discord, so DM me here on the game. Or reply to this post. You can also become a friend for faster communication, just request. I am on and off throughout the day (mostly active at night CT).

Note: Those who I mentor will receive a "Graduation Gift" upon leaving the "Educational Den."
To earn this gift, mentee(s) must:
- Complete all main quests (last quest is A Pair of Lovers from Questing). (I will check den for proof of first bonding).
- Be able to go 2 weeks without requesting resources from me. (I will keep eyes on the packs stats.)
- Have the den organized as needed. (I will look at the packs structure & decide if it is good in terms of functionality).
Make sure to DM me so I can check. As for what the gift is, that is a surprise!

I look forward to helping any of you out as needed!
Defined Equilibrium

Posted 2024-07-23 04:13:14
Hi there! I'm a new/returning player who's recently picked up Wolvden again. For the past couple of days I've been playing pretty casually and taking in all the gorgeous art, but I figured it's time to make sure my pack is solid. I could use some pointers on how to manage it (like making a good hunting party) as well as general gameplay help. Hope to chat soon!

Posted 2024-07-27 15:22:03
hi I am brand new to the game and I don't know what I am doing please adopt me so I can know what I am doing I need help and lots of it
The Hunter Within

Posted 2024-08-07 11:14:30
Hi!! I'm a on & off player too, and I'm trying to come back after another hiatus, and it would love to (re)learn some stuff about bargaining, how the TC is going, and how to get into raffles, basically? Also I would love to learn about the more recent stuff, LOL

It would also be really nice if you could help with my pack, I play pretty casually, I wanted to have some objetives, but I dont really know what I could/should be doing, you know? I would love to know what you think of my organization rn, if you can!

Posted 2024-08-28 17:07:20
Hi! I joined about a week and a half ago and I'd love any info you have to share! I come from lioden so I have an idea but this a lot more different than I thought.

Posted 2 days ago
Hello, I'm new and would love some help.

Blaze | Fury Of The Flame

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