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How to Get A LOT of Amusement

How to Get A LOT of Amusement
Posted 2024-07-28 10:20:34 (edited)
This is a guide how to get a lot of Amusement here on Wolvden! While I am aware that there already is a guide for survival tricks so your wolves don't have to starve/be unhappy, this guide is completely focused on gaining amusement, and how to make profit of it if you have enough.
Edit: Might this raise the amusement market competition and decrease the amount of people needing amusement in the TC? *Hazbin Hotel reference* "Maybe!" And I literally do not care :D

I personally gain a lot of GC through selling amusement, and I've been asked multiple times now how I get so much amusement. While I am happy to help, I thought it made more sense to make an organized guide for it instead of answering occasionally PMs individually everytime.

I have never purchased anything for real life money here in Wolvden, so everything I will tell you now is totally free to play!

Hunting & Salvaging

For getting a lot of amusement (more than just for your own survival), you also have to hunt a lot; the more hunting parties you can send out at once, the better. I won't do a detailed hunting guide now since those already exist and this should be focused on getting amusement, however, I will cover a few aspects.

First off, there is a lead wolf talent that increases your territorry slots by +10, and another talent that does the exact same, so for 2 talent points, you can get +20 slots territorry. I personally use these two talents for every of my lead wolves. Because of this, you would just have to purchase 55 territorry slots (I know that's still not easy though, but it's still a huge difference) and would still be able to send out 4 hunting parties at once. Of course, fewer hunting parties do work, too, but the more, the better.

I personally buy cheap high stat wolves and only a few ones that also have better bases/etc. for breeding projects and use those for hunting because it's efficient in my opinion, however, that's completely up to you, depending on what you can and want to spend!

With those wolves, I hunt pretty actively and always have around 3000-4000 food uses. A lot of these rot since I keep a smaller pack; I salvage the rotting carcasses and get a lot of bones from them. Then, I shred those bones to get Amusement Scraps. Why shredding the bones for Amusement Scraps? It's easier if you want to sell the amusement because full scraps will always have 10 uses.
While this method also works with larger packs, there will be more food left the smaller the pack is.

Exploring & Rescouting

Also, another method is actively exploring with your lead wolf! There are encounters that will give you a feather, a bone or something similar, which is already good, but there are also very helpful encounters! For example, there is one in the Coniferous Forest with an owl, where you can choose between the options "Taunt" and "Playful Bow". One of these two can give you 3 owl feathers (12 amusement uses!), though I am not sure what option gives it to you and if the 3 feathers are guaranteed (please tell em if you know!). However, I know the encounter isn't really rare or something like that, so it can be very useful!

Rescouting is helpful, too! It's your choice if you first want to scout the whole map and then start rescouting (that's the way I do it), just randomly decide to rescout while scouting the map, etc.

How to Save Even More of the Amusement You Get

There's also another talent I use for every lead wolf, which makes your wolves loose only 5% mood per day. In addition, if you socialize your wolves a lot, depending on your pack's size, you can save a lot more amusement since you will need a lot less for your wolves!

Tips for Selling Amusement

It's your decision how you want to set up your trades to sell your amusement; whether you want a buyout (I highly recommend it though, except you are looking for something specific), whether you only want a SC or GC buyout or both, whether you want to turn buyout only on, how much uses you want to sell in each trade or whether you do different variants; it's all up to you!

However, if you are unsure, you can take a look at other amusement trades as orientation. Simply go to the Search tab in the TC, specifically for items, and look for Amusement Scraps. By doing this, you should find quite a few examples.

I personally got more certain what I want to do over time, by experiencing how many people bought out my trades, how happy I was with the profit, etc.

For a little, here's how I personally do it!:
I use following as the name of my trades: ⚽️100 Amusement Uses (1 use= 8 SC, 400 SC= 1 GC)🎾

You will immediately notice the emojis. If you open the TC, your eyes will probably first land on something more colourful, something that looks different from the neutral-coloured TC theme. It's a little method so people are more likely to notice your trade, even if it's not at the very top.

As stated in the title of the trades, I personally value 1 amusement use as 8 SC and 400 SC as 1 GC. Since I always sell 10 full use amusement scraps (=100 uses), we do simple math, 100×8=800 (=price for SC), 800÷400=2 (=price for GC)

I personally do this since I want people to know where the price comes from, and that I'm not just selecting a random number that I think fits.
I mostly only set a GC buyout, but sometimes, I do both. However, the title stays the same.

Another tip: Keep the title for your trades in your clipboard so you can paste it at anytime because writing that new everytime would take quite long.

I also turn offers off most of the time because I specifically try to get GC with those trades, however, that completely depends on what YOU want to do!

Extra Tips

I recommend shredding the bones you got after every salvaging, or else, you'll end up having 600 bones to shred, what can be very dismotivating (definetly hasn't happened like 10 times to me before)

Shred feathers 'n stuff you get from rescouting & exploring at least every few ROs, too, so it doesn't add up like bones tend to do! Always keep 2 feathers of each kind since you might need them for a quest. (Also has never occured to me before, of course, HEHE)

Set the amusement trades up regularly, or else you might suddenly have 7000 uses and like 40 trades to set up....yey.... (also something I can TOTALLY NOT relate to)

Always keep a certain amount of amusement save for your pack in case something happens. However, this is up to you and also depends on the anount of wolves in your pack of course!

I really hope this helped!
I am aware that even though you don't have to spend any real life money for this, it still depends on how much time you have to occasionally send out hunting parties, explore, send out your scouts, or your wolves to socializing, and I am aware not everybody has this time. However, I wanted everyone to be able to know all these tips and tricks so it at least helps a bit!
If you have anything to add or correct, feel free to comment so I can fix/add it! I will always give you credit.


Posted 2024-07-31 07:34:43
ive been rly low on amusement items lately and i didnt even think to salvage from excess food! thx a lot for this guide, its been helpful


Posted 2024-12-06 20:59:57
Stumbled across this like a month ago and it's been SUPER helpful!!


Posted 2024-12-08 06:34:42
Thanks! I'm glad it's helping some people


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