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Tweaks to territory and home biome system - ability to expand to multiple home biomes

Tweaks to territory and home biome system - ability to expand to multiple home biomes
Posted 2020-11-05 14:56:52

Hi devs! Forgive me if this has shown up a lot before - I didn't see it in the compilation post but maybe I missed something.

So I'm really enjoying the home biome feature a LOT and was thinking of other ways to engage with it more. I think it would be really interesting to have your pack be able to encompass multiple biomes as it got REALLY big (no idea where that threshold would be, but something high). This could be a quest that becomes available after pack size has gotten to a certain number, similar to how currently moving biomes is a quest, that allows you to claim a neighboring biome to your home one as part of your territory. This could allow multiple hunting parties to go out at a time; for example, one in your "base" biome and one in your "satellite" biome (or whatever you'd call it). 

Part of why I had this idea is in the actual world, if a pack got too big they'd overhunt an area and that would start to have negative effects on the ecology of their territory, which I think would be an interesting thing to include in the game as an added difficulty to players with big pack sizes.

I think there's a lot of possibilities for future growth here too. Perhaps your lead wolf has to keep exploring the satellite biome often or it becomes too unruly / far away for your wolves to hunt. Maybe a younger generation of a pack could "split off" and form their own neighboring pack as a way of players starting a second account in the future (if y'all ever include that). Maybe you sometimes in explore or while hunting will encounter other wolves more frequently and have to deal with them somehow (fight them off, bribe them, negotiate, etc).

There would likely be a fair bit of artwork and writing if this was added as a quest, and some coding to both the hunting page and the explore page (and maybe the herbalist page if they could forage in multiple biomes). I don't know if that would have any server impacts.

Thanks for reading and considering this suggestion, and for all the work you put into this really fun site!


Posted 2020-11-05 15:15:58 (edited)

Hey there, Irn! I partially support this :)

While this seems like a superb idea as our packs here on-site grow, there are a few issues one would encounter while trying to make this development work. Realistically, wolf packs have territories from 50 miles to a thousand miles, so it makes sense how there could be 'satellite' biomes for our packs.

For multiple hunting parties, there is a thread for that, but only in your home biome based on territory size alone [you can find that thread HERE], so essentially, as your pack gets bigger, you have the opportunity to send out more hunters to feed a larger amount of wolves in your den.

I definitely like the idea of a challenge for 'over-hunting'. I think that would be great and it relates to the real world. Having multiple biomes your pack is in would also make way for more predators/enemy packs, which can be consequential for the hunters, scouts, and/or pups as well. For example, the more satellite biomes you have, the more chance of injuries and illnesses as your wolves will be in more contact with foreign animals or infected wolves. 

Wolvden devs, unfortunately, have said that Wolvden will not have a 2nd account feature as the game is meant to be more challenging.

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-11-05 15:22:03

This sounds fun!  Makes sense that a really big pack's territory could encompass multiple environments. And I'd love to be able to split off a secondary pack one day!


Posted 2020-11-05 16:09:58

@Xena all really good additions, thank you!!!! I especially like your suggestion of bigger territory = riskier territory. Thanks for clarifying about the second account!


Posted 2020-11-20 18:21:35

I love the idea, especially if it ties into being able to send 2 hunting parties out at once!


Posted 2020-12-09 11:56:40

I support this idea! I really like how it could tie in with the possibility of sending out 2 hunting parties at once. Great idea!

I think that if we were able to send out two hunters, it would be great to be able to designate 2 total herbalists and send out one to that second territory too.

Maybe there could be a meter showing how much control you have over your second territory, and it strengthens when your lead explores it, or when you send out hunters in it, but it decreases if you don't explore/hunt there. If it falls below a certain point (e.g. 50% control), there could be a quest to fight for your territory from a neighbouring pack trying to claim it (during this quest, you can't send out hunters/herbalists in that territory or explore it). 

Solusfaust | Semi-Hiatus

Posted 2020-12-19 15:22:35

I partially support this, but I think it's just clarification based. If you mean just one or two extra Biomes, then full support absolutely. But, if we're talking a wider number then I have withdrawls. Which I'll state below but if that's not the intention then by all means ignore it bc it no longer is relevant.

I absolutely think additional Biomes would be stellar, but I'm thinking a smaller cap in this case would make more sense because of how scouting works. When your lead wolf dies, the Biomes other than your home need rediscovered. I know theres mixed feelings on this but whatever the opinion is, it is still part of the gameplay and something I will consider for this application. Too many additional Biomes would eliminate this feature, unless it was a set up where your extra Biomes are removed after changing leaders as well.


Posted 2020-12-19 15:48:34

@VehementRed totally agree! I honestly don't think you'd want to let users expand to more than two (MAYBE three? but even thats pushing it) biomes. And the question of if you'd retain that "extra" biome one lead change-over is one I'd leave up to the devs, since you're right that the game feature of having to re-scout everywhere is pretty integral to getting a new lead.


Posted 2020-12-19 18:12:24

Omg is this is such a good idea I totally support this, I think that the satellite territories would need to touch your existing one or else it wouldn’t make sense tho 

miaskia (Grulla Breeder)

Posted 2021-03-29 03:52:07

Il have to disagree on a game mechanic stance, 
Currently, the point of moving biomes is to be a somewhat permanent choice, 
with a easy biome, it is low risk low reward in the form of food and exp
whilst in a hard biome it is the inverse

this gives people something to work towards 'i want to be able to survive the challenge that is the hard biomes therefore i grind stats to survive there'

Part of wolvdens specialty is that stats actually matter and this would take a large bit away from that


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