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Those Who Survive(WolfRp)~ Chat & Characters

Those Who Survive(WolfRp)~ Chat & Characters
Posted 2024-07-31 19:25:32 (edited)

Algara was once a peaceful world, lush flourishing biomes holding all manner of animals. Though wolves were the largest in numbers. Their numbers alone made them the highest-ranking creature among all others. Even in the face of other predators, they prevailed through their unity. However, change began to seep through their world. Everything started with the Vanished, wolves who suddenly disappeared without a trace. Sometimes right in front of their loved ones' very eyes. Then came the Turned, a strange disease that spread through wolves and predators alike. Turning them into maddened beasts that killed without care. None knew the true cause as there were those bitten who did not turn and others who did. When hope seemed to vanish something else occurred, the Powered. Wolves who have suddenly gained some sort of power. Those who gained power all heard the same message within their dream, "Save them...." But with fear and loss rampant, how could normal wolves trust them? And who exactly were they meant to save—the Vanished, the Turned, or the Normal?
In this rp, the remaining wolves had merged since so many wolves have vanished or gone mad. They are all living in the lands known as Faithful Grounds. It was used for the Full Moon Gathering, a monthly meet-up of all the Packs on the full moon. Sharing their stories, resolving conflicts, and finding mates. Simply to enjoy themselves and meet other wolves from all over the world of Algara. It is placed in a valley-like grassland with trees surrounding it and a decent-sized lake at the center. There are many dens set up in the area and maintained for when gatherings occurred. Now though it is their living grounds, but this merge has now become divided. Between those who support the powered wolves and those who fear the powered wolves.

Ghost of the lost wolf is my Mini-Mod - If I'm away and don't catch characters or questions. They can accept them and answer to the best of their knowledge until I can get to it!

RP Thread

Below is a list of powers not permitted as they are usually abused or far too OP. I will review your character/s and let you know if I feel your power needs to be edited.
1. Shifting into a human

2. Mulpitle Shifting abilities - This doesn't mean any shifting at all, simply you can only pick one other creature your wolf can shift to.

3. Time powers

4. Full Mind or Body Control

5. Animal Control

6. Invincibility or Invulnerability

7. Power Mimicry or Power Stealing

8. Physical Body Duplication - This doesn't apply to illusion powers as long as the illusion isn't tangible.

9. Any Kind of Dimension or Void power

10. Radiation Powers

11. Pain Infliction

12. Summoning the Dead

13. Gravity Control

14. Blood Control

15. Size shifting

16. Lifeforce Draining

1. All site rules apply, so keep it fade to black on mating and birthing. Don't go into too much detail when concerning gore.

2. Please try to keep your amount of powered and normal wolves balanced.

3. Make as many characters as you can handle. If you make too many and want to kill off a few, let me know. It's the perfect chance to have a major event take place.

4. No one-liners please, smaller posts are fine. But one-liners are hard for most to work with.

5. No out-of-character drama. If you have a problem with someone let me know and I'll do my best to settle it. If not then people may be kicked.

6. Do not kill off anyone's character without their consent! Injuring is fine, but don't go overboard, you aren't undefeatable.

7. Try not to have any self-mates, if you need a mate let me know and I'll make a post for it!
Character Sheet
Powered or Normal:
If powered explain -


Posted 2024-07-31 19:27:14 (edited)

Please note that the amount of ranks you see currently is not the limit, this is simply an outlay so you can see what is available.  Above certain ones, you will see limited or unlimited. This will tell you if you can or can't make that role. You can be a powered wolf in the Normal group, but that means you are likely hiding it or being bullied(Keep this in mind.).
Powered Group
Alpha: Lilith - Female - 5yrs - Power: Force fields(DarkBloodMoon
Alpha Mate: (Taken)

Elder: Ace - Male - 13yrs - Normal(DarkBloodMoon
Elder: Tidal - Male - 11yrs - Power: Illusions(DarkHeart

Hunter: Diego - Male - 4yrs - Normal(DarkBloodMoon
(NOT YET)Hunter: - Ranger - Male - 41/2yrs - Power: Dragon-like wings, flying(Eragon (Warforged)
Hunter: Kyla - Female - 5yrs = Power: Strength Boost(DarkBloodMoon

Warrior: Storm - Female - 41/2yrs - Power: Wings with storm control(Ghost of the lost
Warrior: Mata'u - Male - 5yrs - Power: Invisibility(💔Prince of Hearts💔

Healer: Eva - Female - 4yrs - Power: Camouflage(DarkBloodMoon

(NOT YET)Pupsitter: Zeke Male - 5yrs - Power: Cast Spells(Freaks

Pup: Lily - Female - 5mnths - Power: Smoke/Fog Manipulation(DarkBloodMoon
Normal Group
(Please no more powered wolves in Normal Pack until further notice! Thank you!!)
Alpha: Eliza - Female - 4yrs - Power: Speed(Freaks
Alpha Mate: (Talk to Freaks)


Hunter: Falco - Male - 4yrs - Normal(DarkBloodMoon
Hunter: Raven - Female - 4 1/2yrs - Power: Wings with storm control(Ghost of the lost
Hunter: Soren - Male - 5yrs - Normal(Ghost of the lost
Hunter: Stream - Female - 3yrs- Normal(Ghost of the lost
Hunter: Baston - Male - 5yrs - Normal(DarkBloodMoon
Hunter: Wrath - Female - 11/2yrs - Power: Shadowed(DarkHeart

Warrior: Zaver - Male - 5yrs - Normal(DarkBloodMoon
Warrior: Notch Cadaver - Male - 4yrs - Normal(RogueKing
Warrior: Talon - Male - 3yrs - Normal(DarkHeart

Healer: Eira Sicario - Female - 4yrs - Normal(RogueKing

Pupsitter: Vera - Female - 4yrs - Power: Plant Manipulation(DarkBloodMoon

Pup: Echo - Female - 7mnths - Normal(DarkBloodMoon
Pup: Lykos  - Male - 5mnths - Normal(DarkBloodMoon


Lost(Faith) - 3yrs - Power: Nature based(Ghost of the lost

Holly - Female - 1yr - Normal(DarkHeart

Chakshu - Female - 2yrs - Powered: Moving Vision(DarkHeart
Mata'u--><--Lilith(Doesn't fully realize this)
Storm--><--Rain, Diego(Not that he knows yet)

Forbidden Crushes

Forbidden Mates

People will be put back into proper spots once I've heard from them or seen activity XD
Things with ???? means it hasn't been confirmed.
Hiatus = Informed me or is possibly stated in Bio.
Dropped = Active, but hasn't yet responded.
EHH = Not inactive or active, no clue.
Gone = Has not been active on account at all.
Normal Pack - Healer: Wysiria - Female - 3yrs - Power: Air Manipulation(Silverheart15(Hiatus)

Normal Pack - Pupsitter: Eclipse(Eclipsed Wings) - Male -  Normal(Zorallo [Fleas = Torment](??Hiatus??)

TBDEsther - Female - 4yrs - Normal(Zorallo [Fleas = Torment](??Hiatus??)

Powered Pack - Pup: Ash - Male - 8mnths -Power: Dragon-like appearance, with lighting paralyzing effect(Zorallo [Fleas = Torment](??Hiatus??)

Powered Pack - Pupsitter: Astrai - Female - 4yrs - Power: Poison(Zorallo [Fleas = Torment](??Hiatus??)

Powered Pack - Warrior: Rain - Female - 4yrs - Power: Wings with water manipulation(Cloudy(??Dropped??)

Loner Viper - 2yrs - Power: Spirit Communcation(Raven-skys(??Dropped??)

Normal Pack - Warrior: Rebel - Male - 21/2yrs - Normal(ŞĦỮŇҜΔ ŴΔŘΔҜ'ƗŇ(??Dropped??)

Powered Pack - Healer: Moira - Female - 3yrs - Power: Echolocation(NightFox(??Dropped??)

Powered Pack - Warrior: Kaelune - Female - 3yrs  - Power: Dream Walker(ŞĦỮŇҜΔ ŴΔŘΔҜ'ƗŇ(??Dropped??)

Normal Pack - Healer: Láidir - Female - 3yrs - Normal(✧・:* 𝔼ℚ𝕌𝕀ℕ𝕆𝕏 *:・✧(??EHH??)

LonerSparrow - 3yrs - Power: Shifting appearance(Darksight(??EHH??)

Powered Pack - Healer: Nimue - Female - 4yrs - Power: Clairvoyance(Witchy(??EHH??)

Powered Pack - Pup: Rhain - Male - 31/2mnths - Power: On fire(Blacklight(??EHH??)

Normal Pack - Warrior: River - Female - 4yrs - Power: Birdspeak(blacklight(??EHH??)

Normal Pack - Warrior: Starkov - Male - 51/2yrs - Normal(Fault(??Gone??)

Normal Pack - Hunter: Amari - Female - 2yrs - Normal(Amari(??Gone??)


Posted 2024-07-31 20:17:36 (edited)

Appearance: A large burly rustic brown wolf with Amber eyes. Missing a chunk of his left ear, with scars running along the left side of his face, to his shoulder. close
Name: Zaver
Age: 5yrs
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Normal
History: The world went from calm and peaceful to crazy and unhinged in a matter of 8 months. Zaver didn't know where to stand by the time powered wolves appeared. It wasn't as if those who gained power turned evil, if anything most of them seemed just as freaked out and scared as the rest of them. However, when divide occurred due to the powered wolves he decided to stick with those in the normal group. Why? It wasn't because he feared or hated those with powers, but because he knew those within the normal group would need his strength!
Group: Normal
Rank: Warrior
Relatives: None alive(unless someone wants to make one
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Appearance: A slightly smaller than average short cream-colored she-wolf with blue eyes. link
Name: Eva
Age: 4yrs
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Powered
If powered explain - Able to camouflage herself with her surroundings. As her powers grow she may be able to do so for other wolves. But she'd only ever be able to hide up to two other wolves besides herself and it would drain her of all her energy.
History: Eva has always been a soft-spoken wolf, often forgotten unless someone needed healing. Even then those of her previous pack would seek out the other healers, sometimes forgetting about her. Not that she ever really minded it, she always had her brother... He never forgot her and she depended on him a great deal. Sadly, all of that changed when she gained power. It wasn't even anything useful in her mind. But the simple fact that she had gained power made her brother turn on her....
Group: Powered
Rank: Healer
Relatives: Brother, Falco
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Appearance: A normal-sized cream-colored wolf with light brown eyes. His fur is a bit longer than his sisters link
Name: Falco
Age: 4rys
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Powered or Normal: Normal
History: Falco used to love his sister, she was the calm to his chaotic. And even if others forgot about her, he never did. When their parents vanished their bond grew weaker though... and when the Turned showed up he became busy with trying to find prey. To him, his sister became something of a burden, seemingly always seeking him out. started getting on his nerves. Perhaps it was due to the lack of prey that he felt he was letting his pack down. As they merged into one solid pack and more strange things began to happen. His sister gaining some strange power was the final straw for him to snap. He couldn't stand the idea of her being one of the freaks, so he chased her off. Giving her the cold shoulder every time she tried to approach him. He felt pretty happy when the merge division occurred, after all...the freaks should stay with the freaks!
Group: Normal
Rank: Hunter
Relatives: Sister, Eva
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Appearance: A large black and grey fade wolf with thick wavy fur and brilliant yellow eyes. Has a set of scars running along the right side of her rump. link
Name: Lilith
Age: 5yrs
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Powered or Normal: Powered
If powered explain -  She is able to form small force fields. They can only stop something of the larger size for a few minutes, mainly just long enough to by time.
History: Lilith never thought that she'd end up with some strange power, let alone be scorned for getting it. Still though the dream and words from the dream were still very fresh within her mind. "Save them" that two-word phrase had been haunting her for a while. She had no idea what it truly meant other than perhaps those with powers were meant to save those without. It wasn't as if these powers could bring back the Vanished...that was just crazy...or was it? Despite the mixed reactions to those who had gained powers, she would make sure to keep the peace and figure this out. That was the Alpha in her, she always took this role seriously.
Group: Powered
Rank: Alpha
Relatives: Open to be made
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Appearance: A thin grey wolf with shaggy fur, blind in his right eye. His other eye is yellow. He has a deep scar running through is front right leg, making it unusable, and is missing the tip of his tail. close
Name: Ace
Age: 13yrs
Gender: Male
Sexuality: None
Powered or Normal: Normal
History: Ace was hoping to live out the rest of his days in a peaceful manner, but it seemed the world held very different plans. Before he lost his previous pack and mate, despite his old age he was still a warrior. Perhaps that was how he ended up with an unusable leg. He has tried facing off with a Turned grizzly. Many wolves had already been injured or killed so he took a stand, pulling a very risky move and judging for the bear's throat as it stood near the ledge of a cliff. His plan worked, the bear fell but not before its teeth sank into his front right leg. Dragging him down the cliff side, the bite probably wouldn't have been so bad if his leg hadn't gotten shredded and broken in the tumble downward. Others had thought him to be dead, but when someone noticed him moving they swooped in rescuing him. He was cast into a cave for a week, watching to see if he'd turn but he never did. 
Group: Powered
Rank: Elder
Relatives: Had three sons and two daughters.
Crush: None
Mate: Heli, she is deceased.
Appearance: A medium sized Pure white wolf with brown amber eyes and a scar across the top of her snout from another wolf. link
Name: Vera
Age: 4yrs
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Powered
If powered explain - Able to help grow plants, the more she speeds the growth, the more energy it consumes.
History: Vera was probably one of the first wolves to gain power, but she kept it secret. She still is, her mind telling her that this is the best way to help those without powers. She helps find herbs or plants that are useful and gives them small boosts here and there. She also will play small pranks on others if she feels they are being rude, after all, moving roots is an easy fun little trick. She has never dared to use her powers for too long or for anything huge, but she's sure if she tried she could possibly restrain least for a short while. Something she has noticed is that her nose has become slightly more attuned to the plants around her. Perhaps another perk to her powers. More often than not she does her best to keep herself busy, if there aren't pups to watch she helps with hunts or herb gathering. Anything and everything to keep her mind from think about her mother and sister having vanished at the start of all this.
Group: Normal
Rank: Pupsitter
Relatives: Vanished
Crush: Open
Mate: Open


Posted 2024-08-01 14:02:42
I'm really tired rn and so I'll have to make a sheet later

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-01 14:19:59
Sweet! No rush, hoping a few more people will join! :)


Posted 2024-08-01 15:22:22 (edited)
new look:link
Age:5 years
Powered or Normal:powered
If powered explain -weather control(the ability to summon most kinds of weather depending on the season hail and snow are more likely during winter etc)-flight(self explanatory)- feather shifting(she can change the color of her feathers on her wings,rarely does this though since she finds it somewhat useless)
History:storm was born and mostly raised in the mountains with her sister Raven by their mother until she suddenly didn't come back from a hunt when storm was only 7 months old, Raven suddenly disappeared sometime later while they were playing around, when the turned came her entire pack was murdered or went missing and she fled later being adopted by a family of mountain lions.
Crush:Diego or rain we shall see
Mate:N/A (same thing)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-01 16:15:59
Hey Ghost, I wasn't planning to have human involvement. The powers were more like a natural mutation if you will. The wings and storm power could connect to each other though if you go from the basis that she uses her wings to create storms. So that part would be fine.


Posted 2024-08-01 16:19:50
sure maybe not exactly like that but we shall see how it goes and I'll update her rq

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-08-02 17:55:03
I'm hoping others will join, but I know that can take a few days. I've seen plenty of people asking about wolf Rp's sooo


Posted 2024-08-02 17:56:40
I can ask some people I'm alr rping with soon//

Ghost of the lost

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