Posted 2025-01-27 13:42:14 (edited)
Appearance: link
Name: Lykos
Age: 5months
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Normal
History: Lykos is haunted by the fight his parents had. The harsh words that were said along with the fight...It was the worst. He could only curl next to his sister....trying to block her eyes from the bloodshed that happened. To make matters worse, they split them up! He wanted to be with his mother and sister, not his father. The male who thought his mother had mated with some other male! The reason for the whole fight....He despised his father, but it was the only way his father had been willing to leave his mother alone. So he went...longing for his mother and sister.
Group: Normal
Rank: Pup
Relatives: Sister, Lily - Mother, Kyla - Father, Baston
Crush: Too young
Mate: Too young
Appearance: Has a scar over his right eye, and he is blind in that eye. link
Name: Baston
Age: 5years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Normal
History: Baston couldn't help himself when he saw the pups and they opened their eyes. Different shades of blue, and the silver in their coats set him off. He remembered the male that Kyla had been seen with multiple times. Similar darker blue eyes that matched Lykos'. The silver brown mixed coat. Why...why did 'his' pups not have any red? Why didn't they have the steel grey of his eyes? Why did they look like that male? The one he'd seen her fighting with at one point. He couldn't accept it, she dodged his questions at first before telling him the wolf he saw was her brother. Brother? No way he could believe that. They'd been together for a while and she never mentioned a brother. It was a lover and he knew it. It drove him mad, he attacked her in front of the pups because he couldn't bring himself to harm the pups. Even if they weren't his. But that wasn't enough. When she ran he followed, he wasn't about the let her be a happy family. So he kept up his antics, attacking her, and stealing food. Until she finally handed over his 'son'. He didn't mind meeting her to show he was properly raising Lykos. He just wanted to be a thorn in her side, forever!
Group: Normal
Rank: Hunter
Relatives: None alive as he sees it
Crush: Open(If you want to deal with his unhealthy obsession of making his previous mate's life miserable
Mate: Open(If you want to deal with his unhealthy obsession of making his previous mate's life miserable
Appearance: link
Name: Lily
Age: 5months
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Powered
If powered explain - Smoke/Fog Manipulation - If there is smoke/fog in the area she can take it an expand the mass of it to hide her. or make it harder to see. Though right now she can barely cover her body
History: Lily knows her brother was trying to stop her from seeing the fight, but she did. What bothered her even more was when their father decided he wanted Lykos. After everything he had shouted at their mother. Stalking her and hurting her until she broke down. Begrudgingly handing over Lykos with a simple wish that Baston would treat Lykos properly. That he had to bring Lykos to meet them almost every week. If he broke that promise she would storm through Normals camp regardless and take her son back, killing Baston if she had to. Lily knew that her mother's words weren't completely false, but also knew she didn't want to cause chaos between the packs.
Group: Powered
Rank: Pup
Relatives: Brother, Lykos - Mother, Kyla - Father, Baston
Crush: Too young
Mate: Too young
Appearance: Her left ear is torn, and she has scars along her body from Baston's attacks. link
Name: Kyla
Age: 5years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Powered or Normal: Powered
If powered explain - Strength Boost - her power allows her to boost her strength in small spurts like a high adrenaline rush. She can only use this two times before strain hits her body. If she pushes it past that her muscles strain and could even tear.
History: Kyla had been on the run from her brother for a long time. He had been mooching off her ever since their parents had told them to set off on their own. He caused problems in the packs they joined, making her get kicked out with him. So when she finally got away and ran into was a relief. Finally a reliable male... It gave her hope and she was free of her brother for almost 2 years. Until he found her, she tried keeping him away from the pack she and Baston had been in. But in the end, she caused a misunderstanding she never intended to. She didn't want to admit her brother was trash. That he caused nothing but problems, but maybe if she had...her now ex-mate wouldn't be dangling their son over her head.
Group: Powered
Rank: Hunter
Relatives: Hopes her brother is dead - Son, Lykos - Daughter, Lily
Crush: If you can get past her issues
Mate: If you can get past her issues