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Playful Cat/Dog Adoptables

Playful Cat/Dog Adoptables
Posted 2024-08-22 09:36:45
Hello! This is an adopt shop that sells playful cat/dog adopts. Here is an example of one with its info:
theme: flowers and elegance
palette: #361134, #fdffff, #b48291, #40531b, #558564

If you would like to order one, copy, paste, and fill out this form:

I would like to order an adopt!


"Theme" is the general feel you are going for. You can leave it blank for a random theme. Themes can be at max 10 words.
"Palette" is the colors I will use for your cat/dog. They will be the only colors I will use. You can leave it blank for a random palette. Palettes should be 3-6 colors.
For prices, each cat/dog will cost 3 GC ( 450 SC= 1 GC). I also take items
There may be breeding/exploring available in the future.

1. you must credit me (Janis #134935 works)
2. please ask before using my art on other sites!
-Chicken Smoothie is fine
-Lioden is fine
-Flight Rising is fine
-ask about others
3. do not edit my art
4. do not claim it as yours
5. do not sell my art outside of this thread (pm me and I will set up a trade here)
6. no more than 2 orders at a time per person! (that means if you have 2 incomplete orders, you cannot order another until one is finished. thanks!)
7. if I have all 6 slots full on my orders list, any additional orders will not be considered until a slot opens up



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