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🐾My buyed Adoptables🐾

🐾My buyed Adoptables🐾
Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:17 (edited)

Below is not my art & dont steal when it dosent belong to you!


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:21 (edited)
My horses , Art by #45171



Name: Clover

Name: Macy

Name: Kizzy

Name: Haidi

Name: Orisha

Name: Taffy

Name: Dizzy

Name: Ister

Name: Ivy

Name: Lemonpie

Name: Cainy

Name: Chewie

Name: Wanda

Name: Doxy

Name: Melfi



Name: Brits

Name: Fouco

Name: Tilo

Name: Hotch

Name: Zene

Name: Esmo

Name: Borzo

Name: Castro

Name: Nightshade

Name: Mits

Name: Socks


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:28 (edited)
Horse breeding, Art by #45171, Click picture

Last side i checked: 118
Size: 200 x 200

Name: LemonPie
Foals: Ivy, Zene

Lemonpie's partner's

Stud of the week
Father too: Zene

#138311 Stallion
Father too: Ivy

Name: Ister
Foals: Dizzy

Ister partner's

#138311 Stallion
Father too: Dizzy

Name: Castro
Foals: Macy

Castro partner's

#10233 Mare
Mother too: Macy

Name: Borzo
Foals: Socks, Clover

Borzo partner's

Mother too: Clover

#49421 Mare
Mother too: Socks

Name: Orisha
Foals: Haidi

Orisha partner's

Stud of the week
Father too: Haidi

Name: Taffy
Foals: Fouco

Taffy partner's

#88841 Stallion
Father too: Fouco

Name: Esmo
Foals: Hotch

Esmo partner's

#45281 Mare
Mother  too: Hotch

Name: Dizzy
Foals: Tilo

Dizzy partner's

#10233 Stallion
Father too: Tilo

Name: Zene
Foals: Doxy

Zene partner's

#45281 Mare
Mother too: Doxy

Name: Kizzy
Foals: Chewie

Kizzy partner's

Week Stud
Father too: Chewie

Name: Haidi
Foals: Mits

Haidi partner's

Week Stud
Father too: Mits


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:34 (edited)


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:40 (edited)
My Vixons/Vulpes , Art by #16524

Name: Pearl

Name: Silver

Name: Acie

Name: Lyla

Name: Dinie

Name: Vima

Name: Paxla

Name: Conda

Name: Mazie

Name: Tipsy

Name: Lillith

Name: Vixi

Name: Sando

Name: Dexter

Name: Lotter

Name: Congo

Name: Cone

Name: Meeko

Name: Key

Name: Sawyer

Name: Exil

Name: Leroy Graveyard

Name: Viper

Name: Cosko

Name: Code

Name: Fuzz

Name: Haco

Name: Razzle

Name: Delekaj

Name: Fajro


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:45 (edited)
Vixons/Vulpes breeding, Art by #16524, Click picture

Asked for breeding/Custom: Side 118, 136, 153, 154 & 192
Last side i checked: 226
Size: 250 x 200

Name: Vixi
Pups: Viper

Vixi Partner's:

Week stud 19/08/2024
Father to: Viper

Name: Delekaj
Pups: Key, Sawyer

Delekaj Partner's:

#141752 female
Mother to: Key, Sawyer

Name: Tipsy
Pups: Dexter, Silver, Sando

Tipsy Partner's:

#45171 Male
Father to:   Dexter, Silver, Sando

Name: Paxla
Pups: Exil, Dinie

Paxla Partner's:

#30926 Male
Father to: Exil, Dinie

Name: Haco
Pups: Meeko

Haco Partner's:

#142487 Female
Mother to: Meeko

Name: Conda
Pups: Congo, Cone

Conda Partner's:

My Own Code
Father to: Congo, Cone

Name: Lillith
Pups: Lyla

Lillith Partner's:

#137813 Male
Father to: Lyla

Name: Cosko
Pups: pearl

Cosko Partner's:

#45171 female
Mother to: pearl

Name: Mazie
Pups: Acie, Lotter

Mazie Partner's:

#30926 male
Father to: Acie, Lotter


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:51 (edited)


Posted 2024-08-23 21:02:57 (edited)
My Snakes, Art by  #136134

Name: Osma

Name: Love Potion

Name: Tixie

Name: Tyra

Name: Sunset

Name: Delta

Name: Neema

Name: Lucky

Name: Ivy

Name: Hera

Name: Keema

Name: Sunvie

Name: Kiwi

Name: Grace

Name: Zini

Name: Cookie

Name: Vixie

Name: Pixie

Name: Tawa

Name: Kimira

Name: Heather

Name: Weki

Name: Sunie

Name: Oski

Name: Hiller

Name: Sticks

Name: Clive

Name: Scraches

Name: Pixel

Name: Pale

Name: Ojomo

Name: Fuzz

Name: Daft

Name: Crackle

Name: Micky

Name: Wino

Name: Moki

Name: Archie

Name: Pike

Name: Mimo

Name: Zeke

Name: Rhino

Name: Chico

Name: Bau

Name: Gwato

Name: Diazo

Name: Sunky


Posted 2024-08-23 21:03:02 (edited)
Snake breeding, Art by  #136134, Click picture

Last side i checked: 56
Size: 200 x 200

Name: Sunky
Clutch: Sunie, Sunvie, Wino

Sunky Partner's

Mother too: Sunvie, Wino

Father to: Sunie

Name: Sunie
Clutch: Weki, Diazo, Kimira, Kiwi, Moki

Sunie Partner's

Week Stud
Father too: Kiwi, Moki

Week stud retired 16 Sep
Father to: Diazo, Kimira

Week stud retired 6 sep
Father to: Weki

Name: Weki
Clutch: Heather, Pike, Pasha, Fuzz, Ojomo, Delta

Weki Partner's

Week stud
Father too: Fuzz, Ojomo, Delta

Week Stud
Father too: Pike, Pasha

Father to: Heather

Name: Heather
Clutch: Tawa, Gwato

Heather Partner's

Week stud
Father to: Tawa, Gwato

Name: Kivo (Had)
Clutch: Foy(had), Rieka(had)

Kivo Partner's

Week stud
Father to: Foy(had), Rieka(had)

Name: Honcho (had)
Clutch: Pixie, Bau

Honcho Partner's

Week stud
Father to: Pixie, Bau

Name: Pixie
Clutch: Chico, Vixie

Pixie Partner's

Week Stud
Father too:  Chico, Vixie

Name: Tawa
Clutch: Zini, Zeke

Tawa Partner's

Week stud
Father to:   Zini, Zeke

Name: Rieka (had)
Clutch: Candy(had), Rhino, Clive, Tixie, Tyra

Rieka Partner's

Father to: Clive, Tixie, Tyra

Week stud
Father to: Candy(had), Rhino

Name: Diazo
Clutch: Grace, Archie, Sunset, Pixel, Pale

Diazo Partner's

Week stud
Father to: Sunset, Pixel, Pale

Week stud
Father to: Grace, Archie

Name: Gwato
Clutch:  Mimo, Cookie

Gwato Partner's

Week stud
Father to: Mimo, Cookie

Name: Kimira
Clutch: Micky, Keema

Kimiras Partner's

Father to: Micky, Keema

Name: Cookie
Clutch: Ivy, Hera, Crackle

Cookie Partner's

Week Stud
Father to: Ivy, Hera, Crackle

Name: Sunvie
Clutch: Lucky, Neema, Daft

Sunvie Partner's

Week Stud
Father to: Lucky, Neema, Daft

Name: Tixie
Clutch: Love Potion, Hiller, Sticks

Tixie Partner's

Father to: Love Potion, Hiller, Sticks

Name: Vixie
Clutch: Oski, Osma

Vixie Partner's

Week Stud
Father to: Oski, Osma

Name: Archie

Archie Partner's

Father too:


Posted 2024-08-23 21:03:08 (edited)


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