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[OPEN] StrikeClan Rises - an On-site Literate WC RP!

[OPEN] StrikeClan Rises - an On-site Literate WC RP!
Posted 2024-08-30 05:46:54 (edited)
Welcome to StrikeClan, where four Clans devastated by a flood are coming together to form a new Clan - StrikeClan. Using their skills and intelligence, these cats are going to overcome unfamiliar terrain and new obstacles to build themselves better than ever before!


Current Cats of the Alliance

Pigeonfeather - former ClawClan deputy - long-furred gray tabby tom with striking blue eyes - 💫KasperKat💫 #128485

Stormflower - former ClawClan warrior - lithe silver tabby she-cat with large paws - jam #133468

Silentflight - former WaveClan warrior - tall, thin chestnut tom - Alcarie #5393

Howlingwind - former WaveClan warrior - long-legged lavender tom - Alcarie #5393

Lilac - former kittypet - spotted she-cat - maveyburger 🍔 #57454

Sandpelt - former WaveClan warrior - silver munchkin tom - maveyburger 🍔 #57454

Oakbranch - former ClawClan warrior - orangeish bengal tom - wolf #136279


Basically, what I'm planning to do is have a moon pass every two weeks, unless we need to do a timeskip for some reason. We will be starting with Pigeonfeather and whoever chooses to be with him finding a shelter to remain temporarily while they try to find other cats from the Clans that have been scattered by the disaster. You may choose to have your cat be found or start already in the Clan - just let us know in the OOC. The name StrikeClan has not yet been created, but we can establish it whenever it feels right - ideally I'd like to have around ten cats in the Clan by the time we make a name? But it's not mandatory. The terrain is going to be coniferous forest with bordering deciduous, prairie, and beach! Your cats can also "discover" new territory if you need a certain biome!


Posted 2024-08-30 08:22:37
Pigeonfeather | he/him | deputy (former) | ClawClan

Pigeonfeather let out a huge breath as he finally sat down, happy to be resting his paws after a long day of walking. The flood's path had stretched much farther than he had expected and it was a far trek to finally be able to get away from the rancid standing water that now pooled everywhere there was even the slightest indent. The fresh-kill originally had been rampant, and they were able to gorge themselves on the drowned prey that hadn't managed to escape the flood. However, in the later aftermath, the drowned animals began to rot and the living animals had already fled the area - there was no food to sustain them. Pigeonfeather looked around worriedly, hoping to scent some prey. There had been a couple of stray prey scents, not enough to sustain a group of cats, but still more than they had scented in a while.

Pigeonfeather's whiskers twitched with worry. Some of the other cats with him seemed to be milling about, almost like they were looking to Pigeonfeather for instruction. He hadn't meant to become a leader, but he had brought them all together, and that put him in a position of authority. It wasn't like he wasn't used to it, having been a deputy, but it was still a little off-putting.

Standing up, Pigeonfeather began to make his way towards the other cats. "How is everyone doing?" he mewed, trying to keep the concern out of his voice and just sound light-hearted. They would make it through this, StarClan willing.


Posted 2024-08-30 12:04:25

||Oak' branch||He/Him||Warrior||Claw clan||
Oak's attention turned to Pigeon' feather as he approached the group. With a sense of duty weighing heavily on his shoulders, Oak rose from his position at the rear of the group and took a step forward. "All tired, but I think we will be fine," he meowed calmly, his voice carrying a hint of reassurance for his weary companions. Lowering his voice so that only the deputy could hear, Oak continued, "You made the journey here like the rest of us. Step aside and get some rest; I can go find some food for everyone." Meeting the deputy's gaze with unwavering determination, Oak's eyes, a perfect blend of green and blue, revealed his sincerity and commitment to looking after the welfare of the group. As the memories of the flood rushed back to him, the image of his dry pelt clinging to him like a misplaced shield against the chaos reminded Oak of the importance of providing for others before attending to his own needs. He longed to lay down and relax, but his instinct to care for his fellow travelers drove him to take action and ensure their well-being came first.


Posted 2024-08-30 12:39:40
Pigeonfeather | he/him | deputy (former) | ClawClan

Pigeonfeather purred gratefully at Oakbranch, grateful for his support. Although they had lost many cats in the flood, Pigeonfeather was happy that he at least had Oakbranch by his side, a familiar face in the chaos around them. However, looking at the bengal tom also provoked a wave of sadness. When he saw this well-known cat, his mind was filled with memories - of seeing Oakbranch grow and receive his warrior name, of early-morning border patrols with their Clanmates, and of prey shared on lazy summer afternoons - all in a territory he would never be able to return to. Sadness clouded his blue gaze.

However, he quickly shook himself out of it, replaying Oakbranch's words. "It's alright, I can go for a bit longer. Why don't we see if any other cats want to go hunt for prey, then take a group? I'm nervous about letting any cats go alone...obviously, this is unfamiliar territory, with new obstacles. Besides not knowing the natural dangers, there could also be badgers or foxes that have been forced out by the flood, or loners or rogues who already call this territory home. It will be better to take a group."


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