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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]
Posted 5 days ago (edited)
Here you can start Roleplay but make sure you've signed up first! Info is here
link The whole clan will be listed on this page

Info you need to know

Gatherings: - Once a week- Saturday on link below link

2. One in RP day is equivalent to one IRL (in real life) day

Leader: Wildstar- unusually big ginger she-cat with blue eyes She/Her/Bisexual (played by *Chloe123*#133835)

Deputy: Oak'branch- Oak colored tom/He/Him/Bisexual (played by wolf #136279)

Medicine cat: open

Sunstream-An orange false tabby he, with blaring blue eyes and puffy fur They/Them/Questioning bi, ace.( LemonTree ^The best zest^ #138311)
Lightstep-fluffy false tabby ginger she with brown eyes She-cat, She/Her/Lesbian ( LemonTree ^The best zest^ #138311)
Longfur- One eye blinded-  She/They/Straight (Ochre_MuDWinG #145877)
Sweetclaw-  mostly White with some black parts- She/Her/Straight (Dingo #145880)
Rushingwave-Silver she-cat with ice blue eyes-She/Her/Lesbian  (Ghost of the lost wolf #86186)

Apprentices: open

Shadowheart- Black bengal She-cat with striking green eyes  (played by DarkHeart #137813)
(mother to Blazingkit, a black bengal male with flaming orange eyes (played by DarkHeart #137813)
Silverkit, a grey bengal with emerald green eyes (Ghost of the lost wolf #86186)
and Forestkit, a white bengal with forest green eyes( Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈#129884)

Camp layout

Note that the pictures are like ideas of the camp places not exactly it, so make sure to read the description

sleeping places: This includes the Warriors den, Apprentices den, and Elders den. A series of caves made out of the roots of trees, though with enough cracks in the ceiling to filter through sunlight but tight enough to make shelter for rain and snow (the most sheltered places are in the back where is little to no sunlight. Inside is spacious and all the dens are seperated. The warriors den is closer the the entrance. The apprentices den is past the Warriors den a little deeper into the cave. The elders den is the deepest to the left of the entrance with plenty of sunlight while the warriors den and apprentices dens are darker becuase they only sleep in there. Something like this

Camp entrance: The camp entrance isnt between two mossy branches, you would have to jump to get into the camp

Camp clearing: A mossy and comfortable place. The camp walls are enforced with thorns and brambles so none could get in through the walls without getting a scraped pelt first (not shown in the picture)

Nursery: The nursery is a former fox den and across from the Warrior/Apprentice/Elders den. It is large and spacious inside and very cozy. The ground is covered with soft moss and half the entrance is covered with brambles to prevent intruders. It is the furthest from the entrance and across from the warrior den for obvious reasons. Something like this

Leaders Den: is on top the Warriors/Apprentices/Elders den in the hollow of a tree the open entrences on the sides are covered with branches and brambles to offer shelter and defence. Its the den on top of the huge entrance in this picture


<------> Both way
--------> One way

Wildstar<-------> Oak'branch

Posted 5 days ago (edited)
For future use

Posted 5 days ago
Hello! Is this just OOC or also the main RP thread?


Posted 5 days ago
Main RP thread for WildClan! sorry i changed the title

Posted 4 days ago (edited)


The she-cat lay in her den. The bengal loved her kits, yes, but sometimes they were tiering. Especially Silverkit. The grey tom was seemingly endless energy, the queen didn't know how he did it. Shadowheart gazed out of the nursery, hoping that the three bundles of fur would stay asleep for a while longer. It would help her sleep, at least.


Posted 3 days ago
Starting the Day!
The sunlight filtered throught the cracks in their dens.Everyone is waking up from their sleep....

Posted 3 days ago (edited)
Wildstar cracked open her eyes to see the light filtering through the entrance to her den. Yawning she raised her head and got up to stretch her muscles before hopping out of bed and making her way to the freshkill pile. I should really get a deputy. She thought as she crunched through her mouse.

Posted 3 days ago
SunStream Nonbinary - They/Them - Warrior

Sun yawned, looking to his side in search of his half-sister. As usual, she was passed out asleep. Best get to my duties if she won't do hers.

LemonTree ^The best zest^

Posted 3 days ago (edited)
Wildstar stood once she had finished eating and glanced around the camp to see no one up yet. i'll wait a little bit. She thought and sat down to groom herself.

Posted 3 days ago
||Oak' branch||He/Him||Deputy||

Oak slowly blinked his eyes open, the warmth of the sunlight streaming into the den rousing the warrior from his slumber. As he awakened, he turned his head to groom his tousled fur in a display of careful attentiveness. Mindful of not disturbing his slumbering clanmates, he gingerly made his way out of the den, each step taken with a deliberate lightness.

His eyes, still adjusting to the brightness, caught sight of Wild, causing his heart to quicken its pace. For as long as he could remember, Oak had harbored feelings for the she-cat, a devotion that stirred within him every time they crossed paths. Reminding himself to maintain a professional demeanor, he merely nodded in greeting as he passed her, his internal struggle hidden beneath a facade of composure.

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