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Warrior Cats a New World: MOONCLAN [RP]

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker (He/Him) Deputy

He nodded along with each herb listed.
"Understood, I'll be back before you can say MoonWalker." He winked, finally showing a grin.

He quickly darted off, his long fur not holding him back from his strong and swift legs.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
(Gonna skip all the gathering stuff because that would take me like 10 minutes to go everyone and gather everything. I'll just have a time skip and make Walker come back panting with his mouth full of herbs)

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago

"Moonwalker!" I called as he padded away. "Liar." I couldn't help the small grin that fought its way onto my face.


Posted 6 days ago

The queen was laying in the sun still observing camp a bit boredly debating if she felt like hunting again.ironically she chose to stay in camp feeling to tired to hunt even a single bird.

Venus fire-warrior-she/her-location:med den-tags:open

Her tail flicked restlessly but she stayed in her nest head on her paws being bored out of her mind.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 6 days ago
(However much time later)

MoonWalker (He/Him) Deputy

The cat returned, his face barely visible from the mountain of herbs in his mouth- flatter and heavier herbs lied on his back.

He was clearly trying to pant, cool his body down from the running and gathering- he now knew why it was such a time eating task.

"Back!" His voice was muffled and rather strained. But you could make out the fact that it was a word.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago

Glancing up from the squirrel I'd been eating, I blinked in surprise. "That's a good haul. And it looks like you gathered all the right herbs," I meowed, the usual biting tone in my voice gone. "Go drop that off in my den, then come back here and finish this squirrel for me."

Posted 6 days ago
Ashfur sighs and limps over back to his nest and promptly fell asleep.

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker (He/Him) Deputy

He nodded- kinda. His front legs extended farther than a normal walk to ensure nothing was dropped.

As soon as he got to the den- he quickly dropped everything. He sorted it slightly based off appearance but that's the most he could do. Remembering ShadeBelly said he padded back to where she was and knelt down. Taking small bites as to not upset his stomach.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago

Silence descended and I sat, surveying the camp, pelt twitching annoyingly at the awkward silence but I didn't want to move.

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker (He/Him) Deputy

He opened an eye, and sat up as well.

"Anything on your mind you'd like to talk about? I'm willing to listen if your willing to chat."

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

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