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Warrior Cats a New World: MOONCLAN [RP]

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him

He tapped his paw, before giving an exaggerated, long sigh. Retreating back to the clearing- he'd do the patrol later, when it was more convenient and comfortable.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
Crispleaf | he/him | warrior

Crispleaf stretched, long and low, hearing his back pop very satisfyingly before he strolled out to the clearing. Looking around, he saw everyone else rising, including Moonwalker. Crispleaf considered saying hello to the other cats, but then shrugged. If anyone wanted to chat, they could come up to him. Settling in a corner of the clearing, he began grooming his pelt.

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him

Walker looked over to his clanmate. Gave a slight dip of the head as a greeting, before turning back to his statue-like position

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
Crispleaf | he/him | warrior

Crispleaf looked over at Moonwalker and nodded back.

"Good morning, Moonwalker - how's the prey running?" he asked politely.

Posted 6 days ago (edited)
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him

"Fine, suppose it could be better if the sack-of-bones I call my clanmates actually got up to do their duties." He spat, his tone violent.

The he turned his head, making sure his good eye faced them.

"No offense, of course. My nerves are quite fringed right now."

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
Ferretwhisper | she/her | warrior

Ferretwhisper stirs in her nest, eyes opening slowly. She rolls onto her back and stretches upwards, yawning as she does so. Ferretwhisper warily pads out into the clearing. Her belly growls as she moves, so she quickly grabs a sparrow from the prey pile and goes back to her nest, quietly munching away while she observes the clan.


Posted 6 days ago
Crispleaf | he/him | warrior

Crispleaf stopped licking his fur, feeling targeted, and sat up.

"Ah...sorry, I was just trying to straighten my fur. What happened? What do you need done? I can help with anything right now."

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him

"It's fine, no use in doing it now. I was trying to get VenusFire and SunShine to go on a hunting patrol. But the two were two busy in dreamland they didn't budge." He grumbled. Still clearly annoyed.

"If you'd like to, you may go on a patrol, but I can't guarantee anycat will go with you."

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago (edited)
Ferretwhisper | she/her | warrior

Ferretwhisper hears Moonwalker's idea of a patrol party and her ears perk up. She's been trying to prove herself to the clan, and this would be a perfect chance.
She pads out of the warrior's den and quietly steps over. "I can go on a patrol," Ferretwhisper meows.


Posted 6 days ago
Crispleaf | he/him | warrior

Trying to calm down his deputy, Crispleaf purred soothingly.

"See, Moonwalker, it's okay! Ferretwhisper and I will head out to the territory! Did you want a hunting patrol or a border patrol for the morning?" Crispleaf asked.

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