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Wolfsbane NBWs

Wolfsbane NBWs
Posted 2020-11-06 19:29:02

um so as the title suggests i feel like it'd be cool if we could find NBWs that had been maybe exposed to toxic wolfsbane and had a higher chance of mutated (probably lethally) pups as a result? or maybe if we could purchase wolfsbane and give it to our wolves to induce miscarriages to cancel ongoing pregnancies and increase the chance of a mutated pup in the next? i think it would be cool to be able to encounter female NBWs with a little purple icon beside their pre-existing icons that represents this. of course this is just an idea and i know its incredibly similar to something pre-existing on lioden, but i think it would be nice to increase (at least my own personal) interest in interacting with NBWs rather than ignoring them if they're not aesthetically pleasing? let me know what you all think i guess? sorry if someone has already suggested something like this, i hadn't seen it so i wanted to make a post! 


Posted 2020-11-07 17:33:18

I love the idea of this as a CRB alternative on Wolvden!

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2020-11-09 03:42:27


However, I think it would be better if there was no icon for wolfsbane NBW and that like in LD, getting one would just be a random surprise. There also should be a level cap for this like there are for other special nbw's.


Posted 2020-11-09 03:43:52

i personally think the level cap is not necessary, and is actually restrictive to players who don't have the time and money to grind on levelling up, but i understand where you're coming from ^^ 


Posted 2020-11-09 03:50:39

if im remembering right, i think you had to be a certain impression level on lioden before being able to find crb lionesses in explore. so the idea of a minimum required level makes sense, especially for something as rewarding as this. i do think its a good idea tho!


Posted 2020-11-09 04:20:29

I think the minimum level and no icon would be important factors to control the mutation numbers, especially if an item that gives you an increased chance to encounter NBW's was added. It would make finding wolfsbane females too easy.

The level requirement could just be 10 or a little higher. 


Posted 2020-11-18 09:17:37


I also feel like 10 should be the bare minimum as well 


Posted 2020-11-18 13:37:59 (edited)

I'm gonna understand if people dont agree with me but... I almost think this should be a possibility at level 20.

10 is for chased wolves, 15 is for special NBWs and odds increase as you level up, with that said... I have not had the motivation to try to get to level 20. I still battle on occasion, but I dont see the point focusing on my level past 15 even if it increases stats and odds. I think itd be a nice reward for those that put the work in, and a reason to actually get to level 20. 

Additionally On lioden, Cotton root bark NCLs are only possible at dreamboat, and while I understand that it's much easier to gain impression on lioden then levels here, I think keeping the threshold higher would make the most sense.

Phantom StarsX

Posted 2020-11-18 14:59:32

I agree with Pahntom StarsX. I think this will really make users motivated for level 20. I'm at level 16 and I really don't do any battles anymore like I used to. 


Posted 2020-11-18 15:03:10

Ehh I semi-agree but semi-disagree with having to be lvl 20 as of right now it's really difficult to level up without being instantly screwed by RNG in battles plus the huge amount of salves you have to use to train your lead up sure you can rely on encounters to heal up but that takes a long time to do and requires multiple energy bars 


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