⊰ AMac's R&C Chronicle {DNR}
⊰ AMac's R&C Chronicle {DNR}
Posted 2024-09-17 23:53:23 (edited)
⋆⟣⦑ » ⊗ « ⦒⟢⋆ If ANY of these are found and are in danger of being rechased or neglected, PLEASE reach out to me so I can help! Q: Why do you chase Gen 2 wolves? A: Usually because they didn't sell or weren't claimed for free. Others, like 8-9 marked wolves, are chased because I've noticed G1 collectors who have a certain project in mind. Some for my own projects, then some were simply age re-rolls in hopes of keeping them again. Q: You bought my puppy and marked it for R&C, why? A: Pups from TC and marked for R&C are because of their lineage, which usually ends up between 8-15 gens. If this upsets you you're welcome to PM me so i can sell it back to you, I usually only buy fodder/EC marked pups to keep this to a minimum though. Q: What is R&C and RRC? A: R&C means Raise and Chase, it's the process of raising a puppy to 1 yr (or keeping until above the age re-roll minimum) to chase and clean their lineage. Usually these puppies are very old, have a high gen, are inbred, or are for a project. I use RRC to describe Enclave pups, meaning Rescue - Raise - Chase. Q: Can you hold my adol so I can R&C it? A: Sure. ^^ I don't mind holding a few as long as I have space and none of mine are aging. Please PM me before sending them over as I often look over trade notes and may decline. Q: How many have you REALLY chased? A: Uh, well.. I have a folder on my desktop with all of the screenshots. It would take forever to count, so a lot I guess? The few I want back the most are posted in the Raise and Chase thread and my forum post in the Raise & Chase group if that helps. Q: Do you have an R&C project? A: At this very moment, no. BUT, I'd love to start breeding sour gummy tombac, husky caribou, freckle/crawl husky, and a couple more. That requires time, space, and patience though, only one of those are in my possession. ^^'
1 Teardrop 1 Slate 1 Caribou Aurora - TI Chestnut 5M Lux eyes - Mossi - TI Kahki 7M looks like cucumber - TII Vanilla 7M Ice Eyes - TII Sarder 3M Novus eyes - TII Doubloon 6M Orchid eyes - TI Jet 7M Black eyes - Need back if found - TII Acanthite 7M Husky eyes - Need back if found - TII Almond 6M Crotalus eyes - Might want back - Three RRC- Red TI, Black TI, Bedrock TII - TII Lavender 7M Red eyes - Entire post - Mixed Gen/Base - Entire post - Mixed Gen/Base - Want these back |
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-09-23 21:07:56
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-09-25 20:12:29 (edited)
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-08 16:24:53 (edited)
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-08 17:03:56 (edited)
(She was bred but none of her pups are existing.) |
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-11 22:02:05 (edited)
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-11 22:05:56
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-12 16:02:03 (edited)
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-15 18:22:13 (edited)
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |
Posted 2024-10-15 18:34:07
⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆ #144013 |