Editable Trades
Editable Trades
Posted 2024-09-23 21:43:50
A good QoL update could include being able to edit trades already posted! I personally hate having a trade up, realised I made a mistake and having to remove and re-list the trade again! It might also be useful to have a "sale" function, so say you have an item/wolf up and it isn't selling so you want to put it on a tempory sale! It would also be useful if it alerted any watchers to the sale, and maybe had some kind of indication in TC that the item it on sale. Maybe a loudspeaker emoji in front of the text to indicate a sale? EG "📢" Would love your support and/or any suggestions! |
scyl #68894 |
Posted 2024-09-28 08:18:58
Not a huge thing, but I wonder if it could also be useful to have an "EDITED" marker in the body of the trade after editing so that people have a heads up that it's been changed. |
Mactire #20358 |
Posted 2024-11-18 09:20:02
Would be perhaps a good idea also that watcher would get notification when trade is edited? |
Loviatar #300 |
Posted 2024-11-18 11:20:38
The ability to edit trades has been previously suggested in this suggestion thread so we will be locking yours as a duplicate. This is a moderator post. |
Moderator |