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The Nightstriders (Pack Lore) WIP

The Nightstriders (Pack Lore) WIP
Posted 2024-09-25 08:19:05 (edited)
welcome to the eternal night
where we keep the shadows, and from the shadows spawn us

A pack of strange, otherworldly wolves that seem to worship the shadows, the night, and the horrors of nightmares. Led by the enigmatic Nightkeeper, their Unholy Priestess, and her Shadows, they seem to exist only to lurk at the edges of the world, on the border of light and shadow. They are kind and cruel, gentle and terrifying, quiet and explosive. The harder one looks, the more difficult it is to interpret their purpose or their mission. Perhaps they have none, and simply exist together as just another pack trying to survive in the deadly wilderness. Perhaps they are preparing for some great cataclysm.

Nobody knows, and, likely, nobody ever will truly know.


Posted 2024-09-25 08:19:10 (edited)

The Shadows

to darkness, all things fall

Nightkeeper, the Unholy Priestess
Leader of the Nightmares
The grandchild of the one that had began the Nightstriders, she who turned them from a pack of misfits and strangers to something trapped between dark and light, dreams and nightmares. She drained the life from the old pack leaders and wings sprouted from her back and dark ichor spilled from her eyes. From that day, light never touched her fur or feathers again.

Mσσɳʂԋαԃҽ, the Guardian of Night
Leader of the Shadows
Lore incoming

Aspen, the Nightguard
He that watches in the night, the stoic, watchful protector, never seen far from his brethren. Where they settle, he protects. Where they walk, he follows.

Aurora, the Phasewalker
She says each eye sees another layer of the world, and there are more, still, she does not see. She speaks in strange languages sometimes, and the colors on her body seem to fluctuate and change with her speech. She doesn't always seem truly...there.

Azazel, the Collector
Bones and trinkets litter his den. They each have a name and a story of their own. He talks to them, as if they speak back, although sometimes one might hear the softest whisper. A trick of the imagination, perhaps?

Dawn, the Last Shadow
Only seen in the hours of dawn and dusk, those fleeting moments of shadow before the light breaks. She is that of hope and despair, a duality of peace and war. Some see light within her, others darkness. She speaks little and the words she utters are cryptic and strange but always seem to come true. For if there is one constant truth, it is both day and night will always end.

Haunt, the Halfmoon
When this pup was born, an omen walked from the woods. At first it was thought to be death, but the pup never died. It stayed by her side, as she grew, a quiet thing, thoughtful, oftentimes disappearing. Some wonder if she follows the barghest to bring those it hunts to the afterlife. Or if she serves as a gentler approach. Those that accept death are allowed a merciful end, rather then the slow, excruciating death that her companion brings.

Iris, the Darkstalker
The half-brother of the Nightkeeper, following her like a shadow, her ever-loyal protector and guardian. He does not speak - his voice was hear once at his birth, when he cried out in pain and then was never heard again.

Jourrael the Final Whisper
Lore Incoming

Maven, the Blackwood
Lore Incoming

Naucrate, the Bloodhunter
She is like a shark descending on prey. A single sniff of blood will bring her running, a spark of red gleaming in her eyes. A bloodlust takes hold and little will stop her from hunting down and killing her quarry. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to work with wolves - her tale would be a short one if a single drop from a packmate sent her into a frenzy.

Shatter, the Broken
Lore Incoming

Shrike, the Swiftwing
Lore Incoming


Posted 2024-09-25 08:19:16 (edited)

The Emanations

no shadows without a little light


Posted 2024-09-25 08:19:21
The Nightmares here


Posted 2024-09-25 08:19:30
Reserved for other stuff


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