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Community Update #161

Community Update #161
Posted 2024-10-04 21:32:30

Community Update Day!

Just as a reminder, these updates are smaller and are more focused on the community.  Whereas Development updates are centralised on adding in new features, expanding upon or adjusting existing features, and implementing new artwork and coding, Community updates are meant to introduce weekly raffles, new weekly raffle studs, new polls, and showcase some minor changes and bug fixes that have been made in the past week.

Official Wolvden Raffle!

Our latest weekly raffle is out!  Each person can purchase 1 ticket at maximum to have a chance at winning a neat prize for the amazing price of 5 SC per ticket! Good luck!  You can find the official raffle here!
This raffle will automatically end on 2024-10-11 at 00:30.

Rule Clarification Regarding Character Sheet Posts

The Character Sheets subforum exists for players to have a central area where all character sheets for their roleplays can be compiled.  The host of a roleplay can create a Character Sheets topic for the roleplay, and have all participants in the roleplay post their sheets on that topic for easy review.

We have noticed quite a few instances where players will combine their character sheets into their roleplay topic, and even have topics where they are roleplaying, conducting out-of-character chatter, and posting character sheets all in one, making it difficult for our staff team to properly review the character sheets and ensure they are following our Roleplay Rules.

With this in mind, we have updated our Roleplay Rules with the following bullet points under Roleplay Rules bullet 3, "Art, Characters, and Photos".

6. "Any attempts to circumvent posting in the official "Character Sheets" forum (by hosting your own character sheets thread in the "Out of Character" forum, hosting your character sheet off-site, flagging your Character Sheets topic for deletion, etc.) are not allowed.  Anyone who is found to be doing this will have their topic locked and posted on by a staff member, or will be privately contacted by a staff member informing them to use the official "Character Sheets" forum so that we may properly track players who are using photos for their characters."

7. "Any posts made in a Character Sheets topic that do not contain a character sheet are considered to be spam, and will be deleted and handled accordingly by our staff team.  If you want to let a player know that their character is accepted in your roleplay, please PM them."

8. "In regards to "placeholders" or "work-in-progress" character sheets, you have one week after creating the post to edit the character sheet with a proper form.  If your post is still empty or looks like it is in progress after one week, you will be approached by a staff member to see if you will be updating the post.  If a few days pass since you were contacted by our staff team, and your post is still empty or a work-in-progress, your post will be deleted."

Starting from today, our staff team will be more closely monitoring the forums related to roleplaying, and will be cleaning up any misplaced Character Sheets topics, as well as deleting any character sheets that are posted in the incorrect forum areas.  If you utilise Wolvden's forums for roleplaying, please be sure to keep these updated rules in mind for any of your current and future roleplays, as we will be taking action against posts made in the incorrect areas.

Raffle Stud Winners and New Raffle Stud!

Congratulations to the players that won a breeding with last week's raffle stud!  You'll know if you won, as you'll have received a Game Notification in your inbox informing you of such! As a reminder, the previous raffle stud's exclusive attributes were Steel Blue eyes and the Aspen Inverted Panda, Aspen Lupos, and White Orca markings!

Our newest weekly raffle stud has been released!  His special attributes are Dark Hazel eyes and the Dark Brown Wings Scarce, Honey Inverted Panda, and Yellow Lupos markings!  Enter for a chance to win a breeding with him by clicking here!

Poll Results!

Thank you all for voting on the previous poll!  We appreciated all of your comments within the news, as well.  It looks like the winning vote is for Dwarfism to be tied to runts.  We'll keep this in mind!

For our new poll: Which of the following secondary mutations would you most prefer to be added to Wolvden?  Let us know by clicking here!

Bug Fix

* Bug fix confirmed for New Facepaint Not Working On Other Poses/Life Stages.
* Bug fix confirmed for New Halloween Applicators Don't Follow Naming Scheme of Previous Apps.
* Bug fix confirmed for Wolf in a raffle prize, but not in a raffle.
* Bug fix confirmed for Raffle stuck as 'processing' after being cancelled.

Posted 2024-10-04 21:33:02
yay!!! news!!


Posted 2024-10-04 21:33:23

Posted 2024-10-04 21:33:38 (edited)

3rd YAY!
Stormlight Ranch

Posted 2024-10-04 21:33:49
Yay news!!!!!


Posted 2024-10-04 21:33:53
Thanks for all the hard work!

Posted 2024-10-04 21:34:06
Yay newssssss!

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-10-04 21:34:42

Posted 2024-10-04 21:35:35

❄Xmas Idiot 🖕

Posted 2024-10-04 21:36:47 (edited)
First page!

Cloudy ☁